[visionlist] IEEE AVSS 2017 - Final Call for Papers

Marco Leo m.leo at isasi.cnr.it
Wed Apr 12 07:52:33 -05 2017

IEEE AVSS 2017 - Submission Deadline Extended / Final Call for Papers
*14-th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video*
*and Signal-Based Surveillance*
August 29th - September 1st, 2017 - Lecce, Italy
www.avss2017.org <http://www.avss2017.org>

*===== Final Call-for-Papers / Deadline EXTENDED =====*

Due to several requests deadline for full paper submissions *extended* to:
*** April 19th, 2017 ***
** Please note, that no further extension is planned! **
Prospective authors are invited to submit high-quality full 
papers representing original results in all areas of signal-based 

The final papers are limited to *6 pages in double-column IEEE format*, 
including figures. All manuscripts will be published as IEEE proceedings.

AVSS focuses on underlying theory, methods, systems, and applications of 
surveillance and invites submissions in areas including the 
following topics of interest:

  * Sensor-Centric Processing
  * Processing, Detection, Tracking & Recognition
  * Visualization and Interaction Concepts for Surveillance Systems
  * Analytics, Situation Awareness & Decision Making
  * Security and Privacy
  * Surveillance Systems and Applications

Important Dates (tentative):

  * Submission of Full Papers: *April 19th, 2017 *(23:59:59 PST)
  * Notification of Acceptance: *May 15th, 2017*
  * Submission of Camera Ready Papers: *June 12th, 2017*
  * Conference: *August 30th – Sept. 1st, 2017*

Please find further information in our Call-for-papers page HERE 

*===== Keynote Lectures =====*

We are pleased to announce the keynote speakers for the 2017 AVSS 
Conference! We are looking forward for the following three exiting talks:

  * by* Roberto Cipolla* of Cambridge University, UK.
  * by *Stan Sclaroff* of Boston University, MA, USA.
  * by *Silvio Savarese*, of Stanford University, CA, USA.

Please visit our website for abstracts and further information on the 
speakers ( http://www.avss2017.org/?page_id=343)

*===== Workshops Announcement =====*

We are pleased to announce that *seven high quality workshops* are 
planned to be held on *August 29th* in conjunction with the IEEE AVSS 
2017 conference! We are looking forward for the following workshops:

  * International Workshop on Traffic and Street Surveillance for Safety
    and Security (IWT4S).
  * Analysis of video and audio “in the Wild”: addressing real-world
    data sources to support the fight against crime and terrorism.
  * International workshop on small-drone surveillance, detection
    and counteraction techniques  (WOSDETC).
  * Smart Indoor Event and Activity Recognition Workshop (SIEARW).
  * Signal Processing for Understanding Crowd Dynamics (SP-CROWD)
  * Software Architectures for Embedded Vision (SAV)
  * Workshop on Intelligent Technologies for Environmental Monitoring (ITEM)

Please visit our website <http://avss2017.org/> for abstracts and 
further information ( http://www.avss2017.org/?page_id=437 )

We are looking forward to see you at AVSS 2017!

*===== Organizing Committee =====*
_General Chairs_
Cosimo Distante (ISASI CNR / Italy)
Larry S. Davis (University of Maryland / USA)

_Organization Chair_
Paolo Spagnolo (ISASI CNR / Italy)

_Technical Program Chairs_
Jiri Matas (Technical University of Prague, Czech Rep.)
Marco Leo (ISASI CNR / Italy)
Rita Cucchiara (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia / Italy)
Eduardo Monari (Fraunhofer IOSB / Germany)

_Workshop Chairs_
Giovanni M Farinella (University of Catania / Italy)
Tal Hassner (USC / USA)
Atsuto Maki (KTH / Sweden)
Pier Luigi Mazzeo (ISASI CNR / Italy)

_Challenge Chairs_
Sewei Lyu (Albany / USA)
James Ferryman (University of Reading / UK)
Marco Del Coco (ISASI CNR / Italy)

_Industrial Chair_
Sebastiano Battiato (University of Catania / Italy)
Francesco Calabrò (Leonardo Finmeccanica / Italy)
Luc Vincent (Google Research / USA)

_Publicity Chair_
Pierluigi Carcagni (ISASI CNR / Italy)
Wei Shi Zheng (Sun Yat-sen University / China)

_Publications Chair _ Ming-Ching Chang (University at Albany / USA)

_Area Chairs_
Fabio Galasso (Osram / Germany)
Simone Calderara (UNIMORE / Italy)
Patrick Grother (NIST / USA)
Miroslaw Z. Bober (University of Surrey / UK)
Federico Pernici (University of Florence / Italy)
Saibal Mukhopadhyay (Georgia Tech / USA)
Leonid Sigal (Disney Research / USA)
Sergio Escalera (University of Barcelona / Spain)
Tobias Schuchert (Fraunhofer IOSB / Italy)
Amy Loufti (Örebro University / Italy)
Francois Bremond (INRIA / France)
Anthony Hoogs (Kitware / USA)

Apologies if you received multiple copies of this message!

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