[visionlist] Deadline Extension: International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA 2017, Ljubljana, Slovenia)

Vitomir Štruc vitomir.struc at fe.uni-lj.si
Fri May 5 06:32:00 -05 2017

** Apologies for cross-posting **

The submission deadline has been exetended to May 20th, 2017.

International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis 
(ISPA 2017)

Venue: Ljubljana, Slovenia
Date: 18-20 September 2017
Paper Submission Deadline (Extended to): May 20th, 2017 (firm deadline)

General Co-Chairs
Stanislav Kovacic and Sven Loncaric

Program Co-Chairs
Matej Kristan, Vitomir Struc and Mladen Vucic

Honorary Co-Chairs
Sanjit K. Mitra and Ruzena Bajcsy

** About **
The 10th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and 
Analysis (ISPA 2017) will
take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on September 18-20, 2017. The aim of 
the symposium is to foster
interaction of researchers and exchange of new ideas. Prospective 
authors are invited to submit their
manuscripts reporting original work, as well as proposals for special 
sessions. Topics of interest include,
but are not limited to:

  + Image and Video Processing
  + Image and Video Analysis
  + Image Formation and Reproduction
  + Signal Processing
  + Signal Analysis
  + Audio and Speech Processing
  + Texture Analysis
  + Related Applications

** Author Information **
Papers including title, author list and affiliations, figures, results, 
and references should not exceed six
A4 pages. Detailed author instructions are available on the ISPA web 
site. All submissions will be
subject to an international peer-review process. Accepted papers will be 
send for inclusion into the
IEEE Xplore digital library. Authors of accepted papers are required to 
register and present the paper.

** Technical Co-Sponsors **
  + IEEE Signal Processing Society
  + IEEE Slovenia Section
  + IEEE Slovenia Section Signal Processing Society Chapter

** Important Dates **
Submission of full paper:         May 20, 2017 (extended, firm deadline)
Notification of acceptance/rejection:     July 3, 2017
Submission of camera-ready papers:     July 10, 2017

ass.prof. Vitomir Štruc, PhD
Laboratory of Artificial Perception, Systems and Cybernetics
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
University of Ljubljana
Tel: +386 1 4768 839
Fax: +386 1 4768 316
URL: luks.fe.uni-lj.si/nluks/people/vitomir-struc/

Co-organizer: Workshop on Biometric in the Wild 2017
Program Co-chair: International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis 2017
Competition Co-chair: International Joint Conference on Biometrics 2017

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