[visionlist] Call for Paper - Special Issue on Deep Understanding of Biological Behavioural and Affective Intelligence

Richard Jiang richard.jiang at northumbria.ac.uk
Tue Jan 16 04:04:51 -05 2018

Dear Colleagues,

We would warmly invite you and your PhD/PostDoc researchers to contribute a paper for the forthcoming MTI Special Issue “Deep Understanding of Biological Behavioral and Affective Intelligence”. MTI is an open access, peer-reviewed journal on Multimodal Technology and Interaction.

There is no publication fee (Article Processing Charge) in this Special Issue, and the review will start timely after your submission. (Decision will be made mostly within one month after your submission).

Deep understanding of behavioural and affective intelligence has been a long-term task to enable machine intelligence and emulate biological intelligence. Indeed, the emulation of bio-intelligence has been stated in the initial Turing’s idea on the invention of AI. However, after nearly 100 years, there is yet a visible gap between machine intelligence and biological intelligence.

Recently, vast efforts have been made toward automated understanding of biological behavioural and affective intelligence. In one side, the modelling of human and animal's body or facial behaviour has been carried out to understand how biological brains respond to stimuli and environment in their behavioural patterns, and on the other side, behavioural footages from sensory inputs have been better interpreted automatically by machine intelligence. The first aspect comes from the recent progress on psychological or neurologic research, and the second aspect comes from the rapid development of computer vision on behavioural understanding. Finally it is expected that the research from both ends will meet together to help each other and achieve the final goal of fully understanding of the biological intelligence.

In this special issue, we aim to focus on the above both aspects, and encourage paper submissions on the following topics (but not limited to):
 - Psychological modelling and analysis of behavioural intelligence
 - Neurological investigation of biological behavioural intelligence
 - Modelling of affective intelligence, memory and response
 - Visual analysis of human activities
 - Multi-modal human activity classification
 - Deep modelling of behaviour and activities
 - Analysis of animal and insects’ behavioural patterns
 - Affective analysis from facial actions
 - Affective man-machine interaction
 - Deep learning in behavioural and affective analysis
 - Ensemble methods in behavioural and affective analysis
 - Exploiting behavioural intelligence for robots We encourage authors to submit original research articles, case studies, research, reviews, theoretical and critical perspective and viewpoint articles. Of particular interest are articles that explore new cross-disciplinary topics and techniques.

Important Dates:
  Submission of manuscripts: Feb 5th, 2018 (Submit only the abstract in case you could not complete your paper within the time required)
  Notification of editorial decisions: March 15th, 2018
  Submission of revised versions: April 30th, 2018 (Submit only the abstract in case you could not complete your paper within the time required)

Further Information:

For more information about the Special Issue, please see:
For information on manuscript submissions, please see the instructions for authors:
Please feel free to contact us via email (any editors below) if you have any further enquiries.

Please help circulate the call to your colleague/friends who are interested in submitting their manuscripts.

Many thanks!


Editorial Boards:

Dr. Richard Jiang
Computer and Information Sciences,
Northumbria University, UK
Website: http://fee.northumbria.ac.uk/staff/wlsh8/
Email: richard.jiang at northumbria.ac.uk

Dr. Li Zhang
Computer and Information Sciences,
Northumbria University, UK
Email: Li.Zhang at northumbria.ac.uk
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