[visionlist] EWEP 2018

Robin Baures robin.baures at cnrs.fr
Wed Jan 24 14:51:34 -05 2018

Dear moderator of the visionlist,

May you please post the following announce on the list?


EWEP is a biennial conference of the International Society for 
Ecological Psychology (http://commons.trincoll.edu/isep/), which aims to 
foster the understanding of the interactions between individuals and 
their environment through a multi-disciplinary (psychology, 
neurosciences, ethology, robotics,…) and transdisciplinary approach (the 
identification and formalization of generic laws underwriting behavior). 
EWEP 2018 will be held in Montauban from June 12th to 15t 2018 under the 
auspices of the Toulouse University 3, the CNRS, the Doctoral School 328 
CLESCO, and the Brain and Cognition Research Center (CerCo, UMR 5549).

EWEP15 2018 will gather researchers from various disciplines, inspired 
by the theoretical concepts and experimental agendas of the ecological 
psychology and  a dynamical approach to perception and action, and more 
broadly, psychology and related disciplines.

The aim of the workshop-conference is to discuss recent developments in 
the field of perception – action relating to issues about the system’s 
dynamics, motor control, affordance theory, coordination and its 
dysfunction, learning and development, tool use, inter-individual 
relationships, social dynamics, etc. Special interest will be given to 
collective self-organized behaviors.

Considerable time will be given to discussions organized as thematic 
symposia and poster presentations. The workshop-conference particularly 
aims to favor the active participation of all participants, to 
strengthen existing collaborations, and to develop new ones.

The scientific contributions to EWEP 2018 can be proposed as oral or 
poster communications, as well as thematic symposia gathering 3-5 oral 

Note that the deadline for submitting a communication is February 15th, 

All the details related the conference organization, in particular 
registration and submission of communications are available on the 
website: https://ewep15.sciencesconf.org.  Further questions, if any, 
can be posed directly through email at ewep15 at sciencesconf.org

Looking forward to seeing you in Montauban!


Robin Baurès, PhD
Maitre de Conférences | Associate Professor

CerCo, Université Toulouse 3, CNRS
CHU Purpan, Pavillon Baudot
31059 Toulouse Cedex 9 - France

Office phone: 0033 (0)5 62 74 62 15

Mail: robin.baures at univ-tlse3.fr | robin.baures at cnrs.fr


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