[visionlist] Travel/conference money (if your research has something to do with colour and you are UK based)

Marina Bloj M.Bloj at bradford.ac.uk
Fri Mar 2 10:23:21 -05 2018

If you are presenting at a conference this year, based in the UK and your research is related to colour please consider applying  for a Colour Group Travel Awards for Early Career Researchers (see link below)


Early Career Awards - Colour Group (GB)<http://www.colour.org.uk/early%20career%20awards.php>
TRAVEL AWARDS for those in the early stages of a career in colour The goal of the Colour Group Awards Scheme is to encourage students and young researchers who are ...

Deadline is 11 of April.


Marina Bloj PhD FHEA FRSB MInstP
Professor of Visual Perception
Bradford School of Optometry and Vision Sciences
Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Bradford
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