[visionlist] ECCV 2018 workshop: VISART IV "Where Computer Vision Meets Art"

Alessio Del Bue alessio.delbue at iit.it
Thu Apr 19 20:32:58 -05 2018

VISART IV "Where Computer Vision Meets Art"
Pre Announcement

4th Workshop on Computer VISion for ART Analysis
In conjunction with the 2018 European Conference on Computer Vision 
(ECCV), Cultural Center (Kulturzentrum Gasteig), Munich, Germany


Full & Extended Abstract Paper Submission: July 9th 2018
Notification of Acceptance: August 3rd 2018
Camera-Ready Paper Due: September 21st 2018
Workshop: September 9th  2018



Following the success of the previous editions of the Workshop on 
Computer VISion for ART Analysis held in 2012, 2014 and 2016, we present 
the VISART IV workshop, in conjunction with the 2018 European Conference 
on Computer Vision (ECCV 2018). VISART will continue its role as a forum 
for the presentation, discussion and publication of computer vision 
techniques for the analysis of art. In contrast with prior editions, 
VISART IV will expand its remit, offering two tracks for submission:

1. Computer Vision for Art - technical work (standard ECCV submission, 
14 page excluding references)

2. Uses and Reflection of Computer Vision for Art (Extended abstract, 4 
page, excluding references)

The recent explosion in the digitisation of artworks highlights the 
concrete importance of application in the overlap between computer 
vision and art; such as the automatic indexing of databases of paintings 
and drawings, or automatic tools for the analysis of cultural heritage. 
Such an encounter, however, also opens the door both to a wider 
computational understanding of the image beyond photo-geometry, and to a 
deeper critical engagement with how images are mediated, understood or 
produced by computer vision techniques in the ‘Age of Image-Machines’ 
(T. J. Clark). Whereas submissions to our first track should primarily 
consist of technical papers, our second track therefore encourages 
critical essays or extended abstracts from art historians, artists, 
cultural historians, media theorists and computer scientists.

The purpose of this workshop is to bring together leading researchers in 
the fields of computer vision and the digital humanities with art and 
cultural historians and artists, to promote interdisciplinary 
collaborations, and to expose the hybrid community to cutting-edge 
techniques and open problems on both sides of this fascinating area of 

This one-day workshop in conjunction with ECCV 2018, calls for 
high-quality, previously unpublished, works related to Computer Vision 
and Cultural History. Submissions for both tracks should conform to the 
ECCV 2018 proceedings style. Papers must be submitted online through the 
CMT submission system at:


and will be double-blind peer reviewed by at least three reviewers.

TOPICS include but are not limited to:

- Art History and Computer Vision
- 3D reconstruction from visual art or historical sites
- Artistic style transfer from artworks to images and 3D scans
- 2D and 3D human pose estimation in art
- Image and visual representation in art
- Computer Vision for cultural heritage applications
- Authentication Forensics and dating
- Big-data analysis of art
- Media content analysis and search
- Visual Question & Answering (VQA) or Captioning for Art
- Visual human-machine interaction for Cultural Heritage
- Multimedia databases and digital libraries for artistic and 
art-historical research
- Interactive 3D media and immersive AR/VR environments for Cultural 
- Digital recognition, analysis or augmentation of historical maps
- Security and legal issues in the digital presentation and distribution 
of cultural information
- Surveillance and behaviour analysis in Galleries, Libraries, Archives 
and Museums


- Peter Bell (Professor of Digital Humanities - Art History, Friedrich- 
Alexander University Nüremberg)
- Bjorn Ommer (Professor of Computer Vision, Heidelberg)
- Eva-Maria Seng (Chair of Tangible and Intangible Heritage, Faculty of 
Cultural Studies, University of Paderborn)
- More speakers TBC


To be confirmed.

Alessio Del Bue, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT)
Leonardo Impett, EPFL & Biblioteca Hertziana, Max Planck for Art History
Stuart James, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT)
Peter Hall, University of Bath
Joao Paulo Costeira, ISR, Instituto Superior Técnico
Peter Bell, Friedrichs-Alexander University Nüremberg

Dr. Alessio Del Bue, Researcher
VGM - Visual Geometry and Modelling Lab
PAVIS - Pattern Analysis and Computer Vision Dept.
IIT - Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
Via Morego 30, 16163 Genova, Italy
Phone: +39 010 71781 264
Mobile: +39 3487538688

Secretary: Sara Curreli
email:    sara.curreli at iit.it
Phone:     +39 010 71781 917


Dr. Alessio Del Bue, Researcher
VGM - Visual Geometry and Modelling Lab
PAVIS - Pattern Analysis and Computer Vision Dept.
IIT - Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
Via Morego 30, 16163 Genova, Italy
Phone: +39 010 71781 264
Mobile: +39 3487538688

Secretary: Sara Curreli
email:    sara.curreli at iit.it
Phone:     +39 010 71781 917


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