[visionlist] CFP + Travel Grants: Workshop on Anticipating Human Behavior @ ECCV'18

Juergen Gall gall at informatik.uni-bonn.de
Fri May 11 05:00:57 -05 2018

We invite you to submit your work as paper or extended abstract to the

Workshop on Anticipating Human Behavior

8th September 2018, Munich, Germany, in conjunction with ECCV'18

Juergen Gall (University of Bonn)
Jan van Gemert (Delft University of Technology)
Kris Kitani (Carnegie Mellon University)

Submission 06.07.2018
Notification 31.07.2018
Camera-ready 30.08.2018
Workshop 08.09.2018

We provide a limited number of travel grants for early career 
researchers, which present their work at the workshop.


Call for papers:

In contrast to humans that are very good in anticipating the behavior of 
other objects, animals, or humans, developing methods that anticipate 
human behavior from video or other sensor data is very challenging and 
has just recently received an increase of interest. In the past, the 
features for analyzing, in particular, visual data like images or videos 
were too weak such that approaches that predict the future were unlikely 
to succeed.

This burden has been overcome due to recent progress in this field. The 
anticipation of human behavior, however, is not well defined in the 
literature and varies depending on the task in terms of granularity and 
time horizon. In the context of driver assistance systems, the 
prediction of the trajectory of a pedestrian needs to be within 
centimeter accuracy but only for a very short time horizon of one second.

For tracking applications or motion planning, the potential destination 
of a human and trajectories of several seconds or minutes to reach the 
destination need to be predicted. In order to prioritize several tasks 
for a service robot during a day, only the rough time and location of an 
activity is needed. For instance, when the robot anticipates that the 
owner wants to cook in one hour, the robot will be in the kitchen at the 
right time. The purpose of this workshop is to discuss recent approaches 
that anticipate human behavior from video or other sensor data, to bring 
together researchers from multiple fields and perspectives, and to 
discuss major research problems and opportunities and how we should 
coordinate efforts to advance the field.

The topics of interest for this workshop include, but are not limited to:

     Early activity recognition
     Anticipation of trajectories
     Anticipation of human poses
     Anticipation of activitiesor events
     Anticipation of groupbehavior
     Predicting frames, featuresor semantic in videos or other sensor data
     Predicting use of objects or affordances
     Datasets, evaluation, and benchmarking
     Applications including but not limited to robotics, autonomous 
systems, virtual/augmented reality

Prospective authors will be invited to submit a regular paper of 
previously unpublished work (ECCV workshop format) or an extended 
abstract of a published or ongoing work via the workshop webpage.

All the submissions will be reviewed by the workshop’s international 
program committee.

Accepted regular papers will be presented during the oral or poster 
sessions and included in the ECCV workshop proceedings. Accepted 
extended abstracts will be presented at the poster session.


We look forward to your contributions.

Juergen Gall (University of Bonn)
Jan van Gemert (Delft University of Technology)
Kris Kitani (Carnegie Mellon University)

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Gall
University of Bonn
Computer Vision Group
Endenicher Allee 19a
53115 Bonn, Germany

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