[visionlist] OPAM 2018 - Reminder: Submissions Due July 15th, Now Open: Travel Award Applications

OPAM Information opam.info at gmail.com
Mon Jul 2 11:55:34 -05 2018

********************************* OPAM 2018
********************************26th Annual Workshop on Object Perception,
Attention, and Memoryhttp://www.opam.net/ <http://www.opam.net/>November
15, 2018 in New Orleans,
submissions are due July 15th, 2018, Travel award applications now open! *
Abstracts can be submitted at the website: http://www.opam.net/
<http://www.opam.net/>* Announcing five travel awards to be given to talk
and poster presenters. Travel award applications are now available on the
website, and will be accepted until August 15th, 2018.* Details on abstract
guidelines, travel awards, conference location, and more can be found on
the website.* Keynote lecture by Dr. Wei Ji Ma. Centered around the topics
of Object Perception, visual Attention, and visual Memory, OPAM is a forum
that features the work of early-career scientists (see infographic here
such as graduate students and post-docs who cannot yet present at
Psychonomics. The conference embraces a diversity of approaches, including
psychophysics, eye-tracking, and neuroimaging. OPAM takes place immediately
before the Psychonomic Society meeting and at the same venue. OPAM runs
solely on the support of generous sponsors. Sponsorship rates begin for as
little as $200, which includes advertising space in the OPAM program,
website and emails, and spotlight exposure during the conference. To learn
more about becoming a sponsor for OPAM 2018, please visit our page
<http://www.opam.net/?page_id=554> or e-mail us at opam.info at gmail.com
<opam.info at gmail.com>. We appreciate your support! If you haven’t already,
please also join the OPAM Group on Facebook
<https://www.facebook.com/groups/1603991869879972/> for more updates about
the conference! Stay tuned as we announce more information about our
upcoming conference soon!Please feel free to contact us at
opam.info at gmail.com <opam.info at gmail.com> if you have any questions!  We
look forward to seeing you at OPAM this year!The 2018 OPAM organizersSteve
Walenchok, Yelda Semizer, Caitlin Mullin, & Briana Kennedy *OPAM 2018
Sponsors*Visual Cognition - http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/pvis20/current
<http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/pvis20/current>The Psychonomic Society -
www.psychonomic.org <http://www.psychonomic.org/>SR Research -
http://www.sr-research.com <http://www.sr-research.com/>Exponent -
https://www.exponent.com/ <https://www.exponent.com/>Arizona State
University - https://psychology.clas.asu.edu/
<https://psychology.clas.asu.edu/>Rutgers University -
http://psych.rutgers.edu/ <http://psych.rutgers.edu/>,
https://ruccs.rutgers.edu/ <https://ruccs.rutgers.edu/>New Mexico State
University - https://psychology.nmsu.edu/
<https://psychology.nmsu.edu/>Goethe-University, Scene Grammar Lab -
https://www.scenegrammarlab.com/ <https://www.scenegrammarlab.com/> VPixx
Technologies - http://vpixx.com/ <http://vpixx.com/>University of
California, Davis - http://visualcognition.ucdavis.edu
<http://visualcognition.ucdavis.edu/>The George Washington University -
<http://psychology.columbian.gwu.edu/>National Institutes of Health (NIH) |
National Cancer Institute (NCI) - https://www.cancer.gov/
<https://www.cancer.gov/>The University of Iowa, The Vision Group -
https://psychology.uiowa.edu/ <https://psychology.uiowa.edu/>Johns Hopkins
University, Vision Sciences Group - http://www.jhuvisionsciencesgroup.org/
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