[visionlist] Deadline extension for the 3rd IEEE conference IPAS 2018 - Nice Sophia Antipolis

Sébastien AMBELLOUIS sebastien.ambellouis at ifsttar.fr
Mon Sep 17 02:27:50 -05 2018

The 3rd IPAS conference has extended its submission deadline. 

Full paper submission: September 30 th , 2018 

For submission : web site : [ http://ipas.ieee.tn/ | http://ipas.ieee.tn ] 


IPAS 2018 (Conference) 
3rd International Image Processing Applications and Systems conference (IEEE) 
December 12-14, 2018 
Nice Sophia Antipolis (FRANCE) 
[ http://www.ipas-ciels-univ-sfax.com/ | http://ipas.ieee.tn ] 


Accepted and registered papers will be submitted to be published in IEEE Explore . 

The conference is devoted to image processing algorithms and their applications. 

Main topics : 

Image and Video Processing Theory 
Image and Video Processing Applications 
Computer Science and Imaging 
Deep Learning, Convolutional Neural Network 

Human Focused Analysis 
Medical Image Processing and Computer Aided Diagnosis 
Biometrics Statistical Learning 
Transport applications 
Security and safety applications 
Hardware Implementation & Co-design 
FPGA implementation 

Invited Speakers : 

Sergio A Velastin, Professor at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain 
Marc Odobez, Researcher at Idiap Research Institute, Switzerland 
Vittorio Murino, Director of PAVIS at IIT Italian Institute of Technology, Italy 

Journal Special Issue : 

Authors of exceptional papers may be invited to submit extended versions to SENSORS Journal (http://www.mdpi.com/journal/sensors) 
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