[visionlist] Recruiting Postdoc "Deep Learning for Intelligent Disease Monitoring in Lung Cancer"

Schnabel, Julia julia.schnabel at kcl.ac.uk
Tue Dec 4 08:43:43 -05 2018

Dear Colleague,

please forward to suitable candidates:

Research Fellow in Deep Learning for Intelligent Disease Monitoring in Lung Cancer
Department :    Biomedical Engineering

We are seeking a Research Fellow to develop and test novel machine/deep learning based medical image analysis methods for our EPSRC funded Healthcare Impact Partnership project -Intelligent and Personalised Risk Stratification and Early Diagnosis of Lung Cancer (EP/P023509/1.
This 24 month project will bring together expertise in computational imaging and deep learning at Kings College London and Imperial College London, expert clinicians at Guys and St. Thomas Hospital and Kings College Hospital, and a leading industry partner.

Our aim is to achieve both computational innovations in personalised diagnostics, as well as a strong translational focus for improved patient management, effectively leading the way in providing advanced healthcare technologies for a future UK lung cancer screening programme.

The selection process will include a panel interview, a presentation and a paper discussion.

For an informal discussion to find out more about the role please contact: Professor Julia Schnabel julia.schnabel at kcl.ac.uk<mailto:julia.schnabel at kcl.ac.uk>

To apply, please download a new application from the advert to complete and re-upload. Please do not use an old version of the application form as they are specific to the post, and only applicants who have completed the correct form will be considered.

Grade and Salary :      £45,259 to £47,782 per annum, inclusive of £3,223 per annum London Allowance    Job ID :        007488
Post Date :     29-Nov-2018     Close Date :    02-Jan-2019
Contact Person :        Professor Julia Schnabel        Contact Details :       julia.schnabel at kcl.ac.uk<mailto:julia.schnabel at kcl.ac.uk>

Apply via: https://my.corehr.com/pls/kingrecruit/erq_jobspec_version_4.display_form?p_company=1&p_internal_external=E&p_display_in_irish=N&p_process_type=&p_applicant_no=&p_form_profile_detail=&p_display_apply_ind=Y&p_refresh_search=Y&p_recruitment_id=007488

Best wishes and many thanks,

Julia A. Schnabel, PhD
Professor of Computational Imaging, and Head of Research & Impact
School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences, King’s College London, UK

Office: 5th floor, Becket House, 1 Lambeth Palace Road, London SE1 7EU, UK
Mail:   4th Floor, Lambeth Wing, St Thomas’ Hospital, London SE1 7EH, UK
Tel. +44 (0)20 784 89561 (direct) 89559 (CDT/admin)

EPSRC CDT in Medical Imaging at King’s College London and Imperial College London, imaging-cdt at kcl.ac.uk<mailto:imaging-cdt at kcl.ac.uk> (Director)
HYBRID - H2020 Innovative Training Network @HYBRID2020
MICCAI 2018, Granada, Spain, 16-20 September 2018 @MICCAI2018 (Program Chair)

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