[visionlist] ECVP 2019 Registration open, Tutorials, Call for symposia

Johan Wagemans johan.wagemans at kuleuven.be
Fri Dec 21 16:09:50 -05 2018

Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to organize the 42nd edition of the European Conference on Visual Perception in Leuven, Belgium (August 25-29, 2019).
We have a strong tradition in perception, dating back to Armand Thiéry (who started the Laboratory of Experimental Psychology in 1892, after obtaining his PhD with Wundt in Leipzig) and Albert Michotte (1881-1965), whose pioneering work on the perception of causality is still highly influential. In the present day, perception and vision-related research is conducted in many disciplines (including psychology, neurosciences, biology, computer vision, computer graphics, light and light technology and sports and rehabilitation), addressing fundamental questions as well as applications. This broad range will be reflected in the scientific program (12 symposia, talks and poster presentations). In addition, we have a tutorial program for young researchers, two excellent keynotes, a demo night, and a historical exhibition. The social program includes an opening reception, a conference dinner (separate registration) and a conference party. Please consult our website<https://kuleuvencongres.be/ecvp2019> for more information.
All of these events will take place in the center of Leuven<https://kuleuvencongres.be/ecvp2019/general-information#about-leuven>, a vibrant university city in the heart of Europe, home to the oldest university of the Low Countries (1425), close to Brussels and a short train ride from Brussels Airport. High-speed train connections are available from Paris, London, Amsterdam and Cologne.
Registration<https://kuleuvencongres.be/ecvp2019/registration> is now open, in case you still want to spend some of your 2018 research budget. A good reason to register quickly is our amazing offer of free tutorials<https://kuleuvencongres.be/ecvp2019/program#tutorials> for all ECVP participants on a wide range of hot research topics and desirable skills. Note that there will be only a limited number of seats per session (25, on a first-come first-serve basis).
Abstract submissions will open later but you can already submit proposals for symposia. As you know, symposia add a distinctive character to a scientific meeting by providing a special focus on a timely topic of broad interest. We would like to invite everyone with an idea for a suitable topic and a well-balanced line-up of excellent speakers to submit a symposium proposal for ECVP 2019 in Leuven. A good symposium should be more than the sum of the individual talks. It should offer a nice introductory overview (i.e., accessible to those who are less familiar with the topic), address a coherent set of questions from a variety of angles (e.g., different disciplines, different theoretical perspectives), and offer some general conclusions or directions for future research. In addition to the excellence of the speakers, symposium conveners should aim for a good balance in terms of disciplines, gender, age, and distribution of affiliations across countries.
We will have 12 slots dedicated to symposia (3 on each of the 4 days): 2h slots in the morning, 1.5h slots in the afternoon and 1h slots in the late afternoon). The number and length of talks can vary but to be able to stay in sync with the parallel sessions consisting of regular talks of 15', the following 5 models are offered:

-          Model 1 (total 120'): 15' overview, 3 talks of 30', 15' general discussion

-          Model 2 (total 90'): 15' overview, 4 talks of 15', 15' general discussion

-          Model 3 (total 90'): 15' overview, 2 talks of 30', 15' general discussion (ideal for the presentation of two opposing views)

-          Model 4 (total 90'): 3 talks of 30' (ideal for three complementary perspectives, with speakers who also clarify the interrelations between them)

-          Model 5 (total 60'): 4 talks of 15' (ideal for more focused topics, with speakers who know about each other's work and together sketch a coherent picture)
Submissions should consist of a one-page (A4) proposal, consisting of a title, a short description of the topic and motivation of its importance and broad interest, the name of the symposium convener (who provides the introductory overview), model, and a line-up of 2 to 4 confirmed speakers with affiliations and titles (plus discussant, if you have one). The proposal should be sent as a PDF by email to ecvp2019 at kuleuven.be<mailto:ecvp2019 at kuleuven.be> before January 28, 8 a.m. CET (i.e., UTC + 1h<https://www.timeanddate.com/time/map/>). There will be no extension to this deadline.
Note that the conference will not cover the cost of the speakers, hence all speakers will have to register and pay for their own travel and accommodation.
Everyone proposing a symposium will be informed about the selection (accepted or not) before February 11th. Those who have their symposium accepted should inform their speakers and ask them to register and submit their individual abstract through the regular registration and abstract submission system before the deadline indicated on the website. Symposium participants will not be allowed to submit another abstract as first author for the regular talk and poster sessions. Authors of rejected symposium proposals can still register and submit an abstract for the regular talk and poster sessions.
We are looking forward to receiving many excellent symposium proposals!
Johan Wagemans, on behalf of the scientific and organizing committees.

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