[visionlist] Postdoc position on action-related (multi)sensory predictions in Marburg

Bianca van Kemenade biancavankemenade at gmail.com
Tue May 28 08:16:38 -04 2019

Within the framework of the TRR/SFB 135 project “Predictive perception:
multisensory consequences of one`s own actions” (PIs: Prof. Dr. T. Kircher
and Prof. Dr. B. Straube), funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG),
the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the Phillips-University
Marburg, Germany is looking for a Postdoctoral fellow with a background in
experimental psychology, fMRI and/or cognitive neurosciences.

The goal of the project is to investigate the effects of predictive
mechanisms on multisensory consequences of one`s own actions. We study the
perception and its neural correlates of continuous audio-visual feedback of
hand actions and discrete action outcomes, individual differences in
multisensory processing and recalibration processes. Our research tries to
bridge the gap between multisensory processing, action-related predictive
mechanisms and cross-modal adaptation to reveal the mechanisms underlying
action monitoring in natural conditions.

Research for this position will involve:

   - Perception and Psychophysics: The effect of active versus passive
   movements of hands or fingers on perception of respective audio-visual
   feedbacks (applying delay detection tasks)
   - Neuroscience: assessment and analyses of functional MRI and EEG data
   - Programming (e.g., MATLAB, C++): to set up advanced multimodal
   experiments (e.g., online delay induction, multimodal synchronization).
   Programming skills are not a mandatory prerequisite for the position.

The Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the Phillips-University
Marburg (http://www.ukgm.de/ugm_2/deu/umr_psy/6611.html) provides a
high-quality research infrastructure including a 3T research MRI scanner,
IT equipment and technical personnel.

The project is part of the TRR/SFB 135 (http://www.sfb-perception.de) and
further associated with the *International Research Training Group *(IRTG):
‘The Brain in Action’ (https://www.uni-marburg.de/en/irtg1901/irtg1901).
These large research consortia on perception and action have brought
together not only experts from Giessen and Marburg in Germany, but also
from Queens, Western and York University in Canada. Since this project is a
highly multidisciplinary, the candidate will work in close collaboration
with scientists active in the field of psychology, psychophysics,
neuroscience and medicine; all represented in the Center for Mind, Brain
and Behavior (https://www.cmbb-fcmh.de/en).


Candidates should have a PhD in cognitive neurosciences, experimental
psychology, neuroscience or equivalent, with experience in experimental
design in contexts related to perception, action and/or sensory/cognitive

Experience with fMRI analyses, statistical signal processing, statistical
toolboxes, as well as experiments in the field of action and perception are
an asset.

*Application facts and rules:*

The contract is funded by a German Research Foundation (DFG) grant from
August 2019 until December 2021. The research activities will take place in
Marburg, Germany. The working language of the institute is English and
German. Salary is fixed by government standards and will be about 65.000 €
before taxes, depending on age, marital status etc.

Interested applicants should submit CV and a list of publications
preferentially electronically as a PDF-Document.

Please send your application to the following email address:
*straubeb at staff.uni-marburg.de
<straubeb at staff.uni-marburg.de>* as soon as possible and before *June, the
21th. *Address: Prof. Dr. T. Kircher and Prof. Dr. B. Straube, Dept. of
Psychiatry, University of Marburg, Rudolf Bultmann Str. 8, D-35039 Marburg,

A list of all SFB/TRR 135 projects, including links to the P.I.’s web pages
can be found at http://www.sfb-perception.de.

*For the official announcement
of the position please see: *

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