[visionlist] Open postdoctoral position for an EEG expert at the NPSY-Lab.VR, University of Verona

Michele Scandola michele.scandola at gmail.com
Fri Jan 24 06:43:02 -04 2020

Applications are invited from highly motivated researchers for a
postdoctoral position immediately available in the Neuropsychology
Laboratory (NPSY-Lab.VR - http://sites.hss.univr.it/npsy-labvr/), led by
Prof. Valentina Moro, at University of Verona, Italy.

Prof. Moro’s lab research activity is focused on the study of body, space
and action representations in the brain and spinal cord injured patients.
Prof. Moro’s lab applies cutting-edge methodologies to lesional studies,
DTI and Bayesian analysis.

The position will be founded under the PRIN project “Motor sociality
through the lens of error monitoring. Behavioural and neurophysiological
studies in healthy and brain-damaged people”.

Applicants should be expert and independent in designing and conducting EEG
studies on brain-damaged and spinal cord injured patients, with particular
reference to social, body and action cognition.

*The initial appointment is for one year, renewable for up to 3 years, with
a net salary of 1,613 euros per month.*

*Application Deadline: **Feb* 6, 2020, at 1:00 PM (Rome time)

*Interview*: Feb 12, 2020, at prof. Moro’s Office (Skype interviews are

*Starting Date of the position: **Feb* 14, 2020

The complete call can be found at

Applications must be submitted sending an email at
ufficio.protocollo at pec.univr.it

*Further details about the position*

*Responsibilities/skills of the applicant:*

- experience in designing EEG experiments

- experience in analysing EEG data

- knowledge in body, action and space representations literature

- neuroimaging and electrophysiological techniques

- neuropsychological assessment of brain-damaged patients

- English language


- PhD

- Research activity in the disciplinary sector: M-PSI/02 PSYCHOBIOLOGY AND

- Team working attitude

For any Inquiry, please write to prof. Valentina Moro:
valentina.moro at univr.it

Assistant Professor @ NPSY-Lab.VR - University of Verona
Iscrizione all'albo A dell'Ordine degli Psicologi del Veneto n.7733

office tel.

1- 0039 045 802 8407

2- 0039 045 802 8401


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are not the named recipient, please contact npsylab.vr at gmail.com
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