[visionlist] VSS 2020 | Announcing the 2020 Satellite Events

vss at visionsciences.org vss at visionsciences.org
Wed Feb 19 14:35:03 -04 2020





Vision Sciences Society

VSS 2020

May 15-20, 2020

St. Pete Beach, FL







Announcing the VSS 2020 Satellites


VSS is pleased to announce the 2020 Satellites, which are listed below in date order. Information can also be found on the VSS website at  <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001GNK6Xfw3g1Ga1b-u64t2FrO3MmdoX8oV9zPqgy0hKFpdLhONlJxvU5DC8ojjx43w2SnyhIZbvg9747z3lVVlDwGk8WWwiCvDPZ3i-WB_zdtm0Hn6SFlLMRsH_daedYYZZCoxCFiRKzux4lePhjvoVxwpBBLC0BZR4j6PmU-JtqgyjEyYWgsRF5v2L6QvGdPD&c=_xkeC1YjBjiaIa5z6reu8f51hAP9glw6t_jvYJnGR2qVc78anrbyFg==&ch=cO6kpjL-4LbwbOhRTb4wE0xZeR1ppZQ2JIRc3ft_qitZlkQm0wUs5Q==> Satellite Events. 


Computational and Mathematical Models in Vision (MODVIS)


Organizers: Jeff Mulligan, NASA Ames Research Center; Zygmunt Pizlo, UC Irvine; Anne B. Sereno, Purdue University; and Qasim Zaidi, SUNY College of Optometry

Wednesday, May 13 - Friday, May 15 

9:00 am - 6:00 pm, Wednesday

9:00 am - 6:00 pm, Thursday 

8:30 - 11:45 am, Friday 


The 9th VSS satellite workshop on Computational and Mathematical Models in Vision (MODVIS) will be held at the Tradewinds Island Resorts in St. Pete Beach, FL, May 13 – May 15. This year’s workshop will feature a keynote lecture by George Sperling (UCI), a tutorial on visual applications of information theory by David Foster (University of Manchester), and contributed oral presentations covering all aspects of mathematical theories and computational implementations of vision models. The submission deadline for contributed presentations is March 1st.


The early registration fee is $110 for regular participants, $55 for students. After March 29th, the registration fee will increase to $140 (regular) and $70 (student). More information can be found on the workshop’s website:  <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001GNK6Xfw3g1Ga1b-u64t2FrO3MmdoX8oV9zPqgy0hKFpdLhONlJxvU5DC8ojjx43wrF0J_xt4krJ6-93CQqxbgqB9xYylsbLpiQ9bxAjUSfrZ0Aghf2_e22rAj7wVcfvdA1XT_4cBKZIg55t2vUa9ctaztSgux4s3SbQAJoPZYUS7-T_aJ8YrIksmdHg_oRsG&c=_xkeC1YjBjiaIa5z6reu8f51hAP9glw6t_jvYJnGR2qVc78anrbyFg==&ch=cO6kpjL-4LbwbOhRTb4wE0xZeR1ppZQ2JIRc3ft_qitZlkQm0wUs5Q==> https://www.purdue.edu/conferences/events/modvis/ 


Beyond the flicker fusion frequency: Research applications of high refresh rate display technology


Organizers: Sophie Kenny, VPixx Technologies and Lindsey Fraser, VPixx Technologies

Friday, May 15, 9:00 - 11:00 am 


VPixx Technologies serves the vision research community by developing innovative hardware and software tools for vision scientists ( <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001GNK6Xfw3g1Ga1b-u64t2FrO3MmdoX8oV9zPqgy0hKFpdLhONlJxvU_NJGUjmYFtgzUinKD_7iWB7rDjrrDsQOw7WtVQ8asag7lv3CbwT_6OPNuWbzGmLkkb-UeMfu_c1ujjSrEuDoXw=&c=_xkeC1YjBjiaIa5z6reu8f51hAP9glw6t_jvYJnGR2qVc78anrbyFg==&ch=cO6kpjL-4LbwbOhRTb4wE0xZeR1ppZQ2JIRc3ft_qitZlkQm0wUs5Q==> www.vpixx.com).


The flicker fusion frequency of healthy and young adults for bright lights is typically around 60 Hz, particularly in parafoveal and peripheral vision where the highest density of rods contributes to a greater sensitivity to rapidly flickering lights. Given that most modern visual displays already support 60 Hz refresh rates, what benefits could be gained from increasing this rate to 120 Hz, 480 Hz, or even 1440 Hz? In reality, depending on the characteristics of the displayed stimuli and the imaging technology employed, motion might not appear smooth at 60 Hz or might include considerable imaging artifacts. Some research paradigms also benefit greatly from reducing the duration of each frame. For example, at the highest refresh rates, frequency tagging can be implemented in different regions of a visual display and the tags used to identify specific visual areas. The video latency of gaze-contingent research paradigms can also be significantly reduced, especially when combined with high speed eye tracking. During this workshop, we will first describe the principle behind different technologies, including LCD screens, DLP LED projectors and infrared eye trackers. We will then showcase how experiments can be programmed to take advantage of high refresh rate and low-latency systems.


To help us plan this event, please send an email signalling your interest to:  <mailto:scientist at vpixx.com> scientist at vpixx.com 


Psychophysics Toolbox Forum


Organizer: Vijay Iyer, MathWorks

Friday, May 15, 11:00 – 11:45 am 


Forum for researchers, vendors, and others who work with the Psychophysics Toolbox (PTB) widely used for visual stimulus generation in vision science. MathWorks is pleased to continue support for the PTB’s ongoing development, which is now hosted at the Medical Innovations Incubator (MII) in Tuebingen. We will report out on previous year progress and current year project milestones underway; and will offer ample time for questions and feedback.


Visibility: A Gathering of LGBTQ+ Vision Scientists and Friends

Organizers: Michael Grubb, Trinity College and Alex White, Stanford University

Friday, May 15, 8:30 – 10:30 pm


LGBTQ students are disproportionately likely to drop out of science early. Potential causes include the lack of visible role models and the absence of a strong community. This social event is one small step towards filling that gap and will bring awareness to continuing challenges for queer scientists and for gay rights generally (e.g., LGBT people are not protected against employment discrimination in the majority of the United States, an issue currently before the Supreme Court).


All are welcome. Snacks, drinks, and camaraderie will be provided.


VR Eye Tracking – From zero to experiment in 6 minutes


Organizer: Lucero (Sado) Rabaudi, Worldviz

Speakers: Andy Beall, Worldviz and Sado Rabaudi, Worldviz

Monday, May 18, 2:00 – 4:00 pm


 <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001GNK6Xfw3g1Ga1b-u64t2FrO3MmdoX8oV9zPqgy0hKFpdLhONlJxvU2tw929G2I-2r6n9vrCvg1xnyvQsbhxUx95z4mCQKmiAN--H60TbtHKty41mfpXz5FVTUgKK65d0nERN7P3wWy3lmRYeuM1-Kg==&c=_xkeC1YjBjiaIa5z6reu8f51hAP9glw6t_jvYJnGR2qVc78anrbyFg==&ch=cO6kpjL-4LbwbOhRTb4wE0xZeR1ppZQ2JIRc3ft_qitZlkQm0wUs5Q==> Worldviz will teach you how to setup and perform eye tracking studies in VR with Vizard and Python. Since batteries are included, at the end of this session you’ll be able to insert your own 3D geometry, generate 3D visualizations of the scene and gaze path, extract gaze intersects as well as saving out of raw data and modify using your own target objects and parameters by editing just a few lines of code. We provide Matlab, numpy, and matplotlib sample code for you to take home and do it yourself. Bring your own laptop and in the remaining 54 minutes we’ll help attendees get their own project created from start to finish or participate in a hands-on demonstration with eye tracking devices from leading vendors.


Bayesian data analysis in sensorimotor control field


Organizer: Ivan Camponogara, New York University Abu Dhabi

Monday, May 18, 2:00 – 4:00 pm


Bayesian data analysis is starting to become popular among the sensorimotor control community. Many scientists shifted from a frequentist to a Bayesian approach, and fit their data with the Stan package in R. However, Stan coding is not very immediate to understand and easy to use. This prevents many researchers in using a Bayesian approach for their analysis. Recently, a new user-friendly R package called “brms” (Bayesian Regression Models in Stan; Bürkner 2016) has been created, which allows to define the mixed effects models as in the more familiar lme4 language. In these symposia I will introduce brms language, report examples and provide codes to analyze kinematic variables from experiments on grasping. I will show how to define the model’s parameters, check model’s convergence and reliability and perform the contrast coding. Attendees will work with their own laptop and have to make sure to have installed: R and R studio, Stan and brms packages and a C++ software (visual studio for windows or xcode for mac users). I assume prior familiarity with Bayesian methods and philosophy, general linear models with lme4 package, R, basics of statistical analysis.


If you need further info email Ivan Camponogara at ic39[at]nyu[dot]edu.


Canadian Vision Social


Organizer: Doug Crawford, Centre for Vision Research, York University

Monday, May 18, 2:00 – 4:00 pm


This Social is open to any VSS member who is, knows, or would like to meet a Canadian Vision Scientist! We will provide free food and refreshments, with a complementary beverage for the first 100 attendees. Come for a good time, stay for the networking/collaborating/training opportunities! Sponsored by the York Centre for Vision Research and VISTA, which is funded in part by the Canada First Research Excellence Fund (CFREF).


VISxVISION Workshop: Vision Science and Data Visualization Research


Organizers: Madison Elliott, University of British Columbia; Steve Haroz, INRIA; Christie Nothelfer, Nielsen Inc.; Cindy Xiong, Northwestern University; Zoya Bylinkskii, Adobe Inc.; and Danielle Szafir, University of Colorado – Boulder

Tuesday, May 19, 7:30 – 9:30 pm


Interdisciplinary work across vision science and data visualization has provided a new lens to advance our understanding of the capabilities and mechanisms of the visual system while simultaneously improving the ways we visualize data. Vision scientists can better understand human perception by studying how people interact with visualized data. Vision science topics, including visual search, ensemble coding, multiple object tracking, color and shape perception, pattern recognition, and saliency, map directly to challenges encountered in visualization research.


VISxVISION ( <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001GNK6Xfw3g1Ga1b-u64t2FrO3MmdoX8oV9zPqgy0hKFpdLhONlJxvU_NJGUjmYFtg6de8GIil_Nseva-tDBiNtxqc2QkuUB92M667ms4CuI60I7IKaZZ9qtWlrlOC3uvmd2l30_RbcuxoILUGFaHQ1A==&c=_xkeC1YjBjiaIa5z6reu8f51hAP9glw6t_jvYJnGR2qVc78anrbyFg==&ch=cO6kpjL-4LbwbOhRTb4wE0xZeR1ppZQ2JIRc3ft_qitZlkQm0wUs5Q==> www.visxvision.com) is an initiative to encourage communication and collaboration between researchers from the vision science and the data visualization research communities. Building on the growing interest on this topic and the discussions inspired by our recent events at IEEE VIS and VSS, this workshop provides a continuing platform to bring together vision science and visualization researchers to share cutting-edge research at this interdisciplinary intersection. We also encourage researchers to share vision science projects that can be applied to topics in data visualization.


This year’s workshop will consist of a series of research talks, followed by a Q&A session with the presenters. The workshop will conclude with a “meet & mingle” session with refreshments, intended to encourage more informal discussion among participants and to inspire interdisciplinary collaboration.


A  <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001GNK6Xfw3g1Ga1b-u64t2FrO3MmdoX8oV9zPqgy0hKFpdLhONlJxvU5DC8ojjx43wJhjD0pIykP8TIevYQaoHmh3gnTGLv-JZ_FlG46Zt-kLvdtsCMIH6VZOOVc0U4fVjn0NRfae2cXPHoPJKuyAybh9Oz1IOTuqkW7xR56XrjUchJetIoZygNPvlXhZIIeyLuiUh_ZsKTVv9JHIwpFDQz1avsdCz4W7eTYSeKE0uSJ55fk4pOWc8jMnnoU9PTwf3&c=_xkeC1YjBjiaIa5z6reu8f51hAP9glw6t_jvYJnGR2qVc78anrbyFg==&ch=cO6kpjL-4LbwbOhRTb4wE0xZeR1ppZQ2JIRc3ft_qitZlkQm0wUs5Q==> call for abstracts on  <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001GNK6Xfw3g1Ga1b-u64t2FrO3MmdoX8oV9zPqgy0hKFpdLhONlJxvU5DC8ojjx43wX1ZXNTm14LnhPmfYmnzPHHsWhoypRAbqM4YaM9M1OkHeqJbE_xdxNhIn0iRW2QB2YOwMbuZFPwKfqQybOlzGvA==&c=_xkeC1YjBjiaIa5z6reu8f51hAP9glw6t_jvYJnGR2qVc78anrbyFg==&ch=cO6kpjL-4LbwbOhRTb4wE0xZeR1ppZQ2JIRc3ft_qitZlkQm0wUs5Q==> https://visxvision.com/VSS2020 will solicit recent, relevant research at the intersection of vision science and visualization, or collaborative/applied projects in either field (deadline: April 1). The top submissions will be selected for presentation as lightning talks at the workshop (notification: April 15).


Females of Vision et al (FoVea): Changing the Culture – An Interactive Panel Discussion and Workshop


Organizers: Mary A. Peterson, University of Arizona; Karen Schloss, University of Wisconsin – Madison; Diane Beck, University of Illinois – Urbana-Champaign; Allison Sekuler, Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest; McMaster University; and University of Toronto

Tuesday, May 19, 7:30 – 9:30 pm


Increasing a group’s diversity, including gender diversity, leads to enhanced creativity, innovation, and success — all important ingredients for advancing science. Despite this well-established knowledge, systemic barriers remain in place that limit our ability to recruit, retain, and advance women in vision science and other areas of inquiry and research, and those barriers can be multiplied for women of color, Indigenous women, and women living with disabilities. From implicit bias, to mandatory evening meetings,To enable women to succeed in vision science requires the support of allies – female and male – who hold positions of power, and who are willing and able to effect change in our academic and research cultures. An interactive panel discussion, featuring current and former academic and research leaders as well as early career researchers, will highlight practical examples of what needs to change, and how individuals have worked to improve the culture at universities, hospitals, and research institutes. Group discussions with attendees will help identify and share further strategies to change our culture for the better, at VSS and beyond. Join us for an engaging evening promoting change; celebrating equity, diversity, and inclusion; and enjoying refreshments with colleagues.


For more information about FoVea, please visit  <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001GNK6Xfw3g1Ga1b-u64t2FrO3MmdoX8oV9zPqgy0hKFpdLhONlJxvU6ixK3WIj3zLoFwYLj-imbKIkpqDy6o3GypYj-P7fkpjtyF7S8JXRyf4Bmhy_vPwPxkhmf6Qo1j1AB3cudON3-pHSbY8duU6yQ==&c=_xkeC1YjBjiaIa5z6reu8f51hAP9glw6t_jvYJnGR2qVc78anrbyFg==&ch=cO6kpjL-4LbwbOhRTb4wE0xZeR1ppZQ2JIRc3ft_qitZlkQm0wUs5Q==> our website.


Celebrating Ken Nakayama’s Career and 80th Birthday

 <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001GNK6Xfw3g1Ga1b-u64t2FrO3MmdoX8oV9zPqgy0hKFpdLhONlJxvU5DC8ojjx43wEFgtYESAmxM6wZ8KjdYKqvGtxNiXN4XOC9vehRqIz88x4AdmCxaEOuQEPGD2zDcT12bXtDamrzxc8S--hvA231U4BYV_bZGWgYTHtHHuxOI=&c=_xkeC1YjBjiaIa5z6reu8f51hAP9glw6t_jvYJnGR2qVc78anrbyFg==&ch=cO6kpjL-4LbwbOhRTb4wE0xZeR1ppZQ2JIRc3ft_qitZlkQm0wUs5Q==> https://sites.google.com/view/kenfest2020/


Symposium: The Story of Vision Science Through Autobiography


Organizers: Frank Tong, Vanderbilt University; Joo-Hyun Song, Brown University; and Yaoda Xu, Yale University

Wednesday, May 20, 2:00 – 4:30 pm 


In celebration of the 80th birthday of Ken Nakayama, a VSS founder, we will be holding a satellite event on the Wednesday afternoon after the VSS conference to bring the VSS community together in a fun and relaxed setting to learn about vision research through historical and personal perspectives. The event will contain a set of talks that will weave together the narratives and personal perspectives of some of the pioneers of vision sciences. The speakers will have the opportunity to share the experiences that shaped their scientific lives, the questions and scientific challenges they faced at pivotal moments of their careers, and the wisdom and guiding philosophy they have gained through working with mentors, colleagues, and students. Each speaker will be invited to structure their presentation as they see to be most effective, with the goals of enlivening, entertaining and offering distinctly informative glimpses of how science developed for each of them. We trust that this event will offer younger aspiring scientists a better understanding of how a fulfilling scientific life has been guided by memorable or influential people, guiding ideas, nagging questions, anecdotes, research strategies, new technology, and serendipity.


The symposium is free of charge and is open to the entire VSS community. Registration is not required.


A tentative list of presentations:

*     Why is the ventral visual pathway organized the way it is? (Nancy Kanwisher, MIT)

*     Vision, the consummate trickster (Patrick Cavanagh, Dartmouth College and Glendon College)

*     A century (plus) of eye movements: Seeing through the mirrors, plaster and coils (Eileen Kowler, Rutgers University)

*     Linking neuronal activity to motion perception: lessons learned from animal studies (Tatiana Pasternak, University of Rochester)

*     Incisive experiments without incision (Donald MacLeod, Emeritus Professor, UC San Diego)

*     My story (Ken Nakayama, Emeritus Professor, Harvard)


Reception and Dinner


Organizers: Yaoda Xu, Yale University; Frank Tong, Vanderbilt University; and Joo-Hyun Song, Brown University

Wednesday, May 20, 6:00 – 10:00 pm

Reception 6:00 – 7:00 pm

Dinner 7:00 – 10:00 pm


A reception and dinner banquet will be held on the Breck Outdoor Deck at the TradeWinds. This event is open to the entire VSS community. There will be a registration fee to cover the cost of this event ($125 by April 1 and $175 after that). Registration is required. To register for the reception and dinner event, please go to the  <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001GNK6Xfw3g1Ga1b-u64t2FrO3MmdoX8oV9zPqgy0hKFpdLhONlJxvU5DC8ojjx43wKvLxkbz3hvf28C781GHyOk7kHIeh7Au8qi_DsfMnwkoNNDfjYRvBYtiBqyCXWTc3NyznXCaolt54bGvtm4iWsaYtPQUU5n4aoUXFM6DyD4-iBlKsCUOEskwN4NekVIVZ1IIS-_ZDZUDLhS0ap4lIMyz6V7__xacyXT-x-BZt7UeywI0uObEb22JNc-WneNGmLw_-NflMMUg=&c=_xkeC1YjBjiaIa5z6reu8f51hAP9glw6t_jvYJnGR2qVc78anrbyFg==&ch=cO6kpjL-4LbwbOhRTb4wE0xZeR1ppZQ2JIRc3ft_qitZlkQm0wUs5Q==> Reception/Dinner Registration Form.



Important Dates


February 20  <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001GNK6Xfw3g1Ga1b-u64t2FrO3MmdoX8oV9zPqgy0hKFpdLhONlJxvUyYFASLY1YP3Ab-53FxcZk9KlsDv7n22oZzycSh2kD0oDcXiqLToTo-PWDHjpx2FOobd8nB_8k0p-csU6VFw6S0x1HTZKJwHmuu7o0o1whoRW1XaN_YbAJc=&c=_xkeC1YjBjiaIa5z6reu8f51hAP9glw6t_jvYJnGR2qVc78anrbyFg==&ch=cO6kpjL-4LbwbOhRTb4wE0xZeR1ppZQ2JIRc3ft_qitZlkQm0wUs5Q==> Early Registration Deadline 

March 5  <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001GNK6Xfw3g1Ga1b-u64t2FrO3MmdoX8oV9zPqgy0hKFpdLhONlJxvU32eiW5FtGCFS6OVVpiR4dztlILSjQpN4KxNIIDrwFXbEe-DyLYo7qpUy95px5Ge31sfNQ540NQ5BwZHAqsQu2q_7mZCfFp8e9UC5oTHCwizYlMmbxNRCGtn48b34vOR2LAMz_M_A-_f33wNX45FFQM=&c=_xkeC1YjBjiaIa5z6reu8f51hAP9glw6t_jvYJnGR2qVc78anrbyFg==&ch=cO6kpjL-4LbwbOhRTb4wE0xZeR1ppZQ2JIRc3ft_qitZlkQm0wUs5Q==> Board of Directors Nominations Close 

March 12  <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001GNK6Xfw3g1Ga1b-u64t2FrO3MmdoX8oV9zPqgy0hKFpdLhONlJxvUwHHIETtiRtLJbYcVKTYF6MJ34hvFxLIfRVhCe7EiTkOMCTvkBdVK1EdFXcK8GWcZg7AIK5zYRsPMLhp94jkBMQT-A6ZTh4tRnPrjVLXp1Bli9Tp1zm9xFnARmw3-_SnyFxbMA9lP1wDP3QDB3FFJmw=&c=_xkeC1YjBjiaIa5z6reu8f51hAP9glw6t_jvYJnGR2qVc78anrbyFg==&ch=cO6kpjL-4LbwbOhRTb4wE0xZeR1ppZQ2JIRc3ft_qitZlkQm0wUs5Q==> Student/Postdoc Advisory Board Nominations Close 

March 13  <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001GNK6Xfw3g1Ga1b-u64t2FrO3MmdoX8oV9zPqgy0hKFpdLhONlJxvU75Qa2NBM61OTRcB0YVAYfZuKAulg2z-8FAKlS6vm8itwE01XcHZpaGTAS9vBz3QxEQTnAxWv_mmteGowNRyKUdFTK6g7mEPCRY_N4Fc-96-lWQZ0eTMA0wGbVpkSWkXZQ==&c=_xkeC1YjBjiaIa5z6reu8f51hAP9glw6t_jvYJnGR2qVc78anrbyFg==&ch=cO6kpjL-4LbwbOhRTb4wE0xZeR1ppZQ2JIRc3ft_qitZlkQm0wUs5Q==> Deadline for Demo Night Proposals 



 <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001GNK6Xfw3g1Ga1b-u64t2FrO3MmdoX8oV9zPqgy0hKFpdLhONlJxvU-1X354cCrfJ52-cwRtGRfOz4Q9sQENEEOxxTxAqtEQJ-1q0ToE3n3teunlI8E3ZzVnPozQAh5OsBBoKL-Jk44cNRUaFBi891w==&c=_xkeC1YjBjiaIa5z6reu8f51hAP9glw6t_jvYJnGR2qVc78anrbyFg==&ch=cO6kpjL-4LbwbOhRTb4wE0xZeR1ppZQ2JIRc3ft_qitZlkQm0wUs5Q==> Visit our website

 <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001GNK6Xfw3g1Ga1b-u64t2FrO3MmdoX8oV9zPqgy0hKFpdLhONlJxvU_KzJMwGUn641fdR5x-FDrS7sgp8zcsVNWu2C1X8_iqNM-MLy9eUJDsW12xdmb4DbYKQV7iOsMUzeOV8NPqWDks3R2umRmqRDiP8yNB9IVPoiBtp9ACaLpxwCtXIogkt62DjbpvpVecAHhMTjSSiSgABWZwEpTXnEJgWz9QF3XzbTmSrrQK_eJg8r75umPRJbAvmbshIn1Wi6HtgwMSAQkboxP5euXpYlAJXxpRVRTsLRwpin0ZjuFpKeCRux6oU8IqqGY9Hi3b7&c=_xkeC1YjBjiaIa5z6reu8f51hAP9glw6t_jvYJnGR2qVc78anrbyFg==&ch=cO6kpjL-4LbwbOhRTb4wE0xZeR1ppZQ2JIRc3ft_qitZlkQm0wUs5Q==> Subscribe Me


Vision Sciences Society | +1-833-444-5777 | vss at visionsciences.org <mailto:vss at visionsciences.org>  



 <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001GNK6Xfw3g1Ga1b-u64t2FrO3MmdoX8oV9zPqgy0hKFpdLhONlJxvUw3xpYJW2jaGQBdZUYA-0gBt0f8oAGdn6a-_vS_dze6WHERvrvx3nO3I5TCu-1e3tLrBjv5PVXuQNgp-UPAPUxtlKMGwBpqsGrAMcT3JVOEI-x8uvm-b1Qck2rAtKTA_kDdM7HvgGQo87PnFduCLDzo5ujMTaeTxbAUhO9AcnTexzt6aaQrA_jhBqO2lhQA8cw==&c=_xkeC1YjBjiaIa5z6reu8f51hAP9glw6t_jvYJnGR2qVc78anrbyFg==&ch=cO6kpjL-4LbwbOhRTb4wE0xZeR1ppZQ2JIRc3ft_qitZlkQm0wUs5Q==> ‌  <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001GNK6Xfw3g1Ga1b-u64t2FrO3MmdoX8oV9zPqgy0hKFpdLhONlJxvU2kQGflmzi4sagHh9TQBGeZ279k4_KT4HC3gDPBvg8QXeMCO-nkbEKJ5YEVqUhzIHGlJ2m03IdLvlwcMVa2Wic1OUWE5YX1odA==&c=_xkeC1YjBjiaIa5z6reu8f51hAP9glw6t_jvYJnGR2qVc78anrbyFg==&ch=cO6kpjL-4LbwbOhRTb4wE0xZeR1ppZQ2JIRc3ft_qitZlkQm0wUs5Q==> ‌ 


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