[visionlist] 3 Post-Doc and 3 PhD positions in ERC project on color vision

Karl Gegenfurtner gegenfurtner at uni-giessen.de
Mon May 18 03:47:22 -04 2020

Are you fearless when it comes to color spaces?
Do you enjoy matlab, python or java?
Do you want to pursue research using photorealistic VR or DNNs?
Did you ever wonder what “luminance” really is?

If your answer to one of these questions is “YES”, and you are
looking for a PhD or PostDoc position, then you should read on and apply!

Three postdoctoral positions and three PhD fellowships are available in Giessen, 
Germany, to work on the ERC-funded project “An object-oriented approach
to color”. The successful candidates will join the group of Karl 
Gegenfurtner at the Psychology Department of Giessen University. The lab 
offers excellent facilities for studying visual perception and motor control,
and especially all aspects related to the perception of color.
Starting date is any time between September 1, 2020 and January 1, 2021

We are part of a larger research group on perception and action with excellent
links to scientists within Europe and world wide (http://www.sfb-perception.de). 
The group offers a stimulating, multi-national and multi-disciplinary research 
environment for young scientists  (http://www.allpsych.uni-giessen.de). Giessen
is a small university town, located just 60 km north of Frankfurt, right at the center 
of Germany.

The positions are for persons interested in color vision, ranging from low-level
aspects such as luminance, to color constancy and color categories. We use 
complex natural (or virtual) environments as much as possible.
Methods include psychophysical experiments, deep learning, neuroimaging, 
eye tracking and the study of behavior in Virtual Reality. 

Recent work from my lab on these topics can be found here: 
A recent review of some of our work on color is given in
Witzel, C. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2018) 
Color perception: objects, constancy, and categories. 
Annual Review of Vision Science, 4, 475-499.

The PostDoc positions are initially for 2 years, with the potential to be extended
to 5 years. The PhD positions are for 3 years initially, with the potential to be extended
by an additional year.

Applications should be sent by email to Karl Gegenfurtner 
(gegenfurtner at uni-giessen.de) before June 18, 2020. Informal inquiries are highly
encouraged. Full applications should include a CV, a statement of research interests, 
and the  names of up to 3 people who could write a letter of reference. 

Best wishes, Karl
Prof. Karl Gegenfurtner, Abteilung Allgemeine Psychologie
Justus-Liebig-Universität, Otto-Behaghel-Str. 10, 35394 Giessen
phone:  +49 641 9926100	 mailto:gegenfurtner at uni-giessen.de
fax:    +49 641 9926119	 http://www.allpsych.uni-giessen.de/karl

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