[visionlist] Colour and Visual Computing Symposium - CVCS2020 - still accepting submissions

Jon Yngve Hardeberg jon.hardeberg at ntnu.no
Fri May 29 08:10:49 -04 2020

Dear colleagues,

Please be advised that up to June 15 we are still accepting submissions 
to the 10th Colour and Visual Computing Symposium, which will take place 
both virtually and physically in Gjøvik, Norway, on September 16-17, 2020.

Topics of particular interest to CVCS 2020 include, but are not limited to:

     Colour and Image Metrology
     Computational Photography
     Colour Printing
     3D Capture and Reproduction
     Light and Colour
     Vision and Perception
     Colour Science
     Cross-Media Colour Reproduction
     Image and Video Processing and Analysis
     Image and Video Quality Assessment and Enhancement
     Material Appearance, Visualisation and Reproduction
     Spectral Image Capture, Processing and Reproduction
     Imaging for Applications: Cultural Heritage, Health and Medical, 
Media Security, Forensics, Biometrics

Please visit https://www.cvcs.no for more information and submission 

With the expectation to see many of you physically or virtually in 
September, in the mean time: don't worry, be happy, and stay safe!

Prof. Jon Y. Hardeberg

Publicity and sponsorship chair, CVCS 2020

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