[visionlist] Machines Can See on-line summit -- June 8-10

Ivan Laptev ivan.laptev at inria.fr
Mon Jun 1 10:06:48 -04 2020

We are pleased to announce

Machines Can See, June 8-10
on-line summit, free registration

The summit will include talks by

June 8:
Deva Ramanan (CMU / Argo AI)
Cordelia Schmidt (INRIA / Google)
Vladlen Koltun (Intel)
Jitendra Malik (Berkeley / Facebook)

June 9:
Josef Sivic (INRIA / CTU)
Jean-Baptiste Alayrac (DeepMind)
Laurens van der Maaten (Facebook)
James Hayes (Georgia tech, Argo Ai)

June 10:
Yaser Sheikh (CMU / Facebook)
Victor Lempitsky (Samsung / Skoltech)
Artyom Babenko (Yandex)
Abhinav Gupta (CMU / Facebook)

Machines Can See (MCS) 2020 is the 4th annual computer vision and 
machine learning summit organized by VisionLabs. Our dedicated online 
platform will enable interaction and direct dialog among participants 
and the speakers. Each day of the summit will include invited talks, 
moderated Q&A sessions and a live panel discussion with the speakers.

Free registration is open on http://machinescansee.com/

Machines Can See organizing team

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