[visionlist] Virtual meeting on "Expectation, perception and cognition", 1-2 Oct

Mike Le Pelley m.lepelley at unsw.edu.au
Sun Aug 16 00:42:08 -04 2020

You are invited to attend a workshop meeting on the topic of "Expectation, Perception and Cognition". This will be a two-day virtual workshop examining the ways in which learned expectations can shape perceptual and cognitive processes. The meeting will be held on 1st and 2nd October 2020.

On Day 1 we will have keynote talks from a series of international experts in this area from Europe and Australia: Prof Jan Theeuwes (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Prof Heleen Slagter (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Dr Clare Press (Birkbeck, University of London), Prof Paul Dux (University of Queensland), and Prof Tom Whitford (UNSW Sydney).

Day 2 will be an open and interactive poster session, so please do think about submitting a poster - and if you have students working in this area, encourage them to do so as well!

Registration is free. Please see https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/expectation-perception-and-cognition-2020-registration-115276077852 for more information, and to register.

All the best

Mike Le Pelley

A/Prof. Mike Le Pelley
School of Psychology, UNSW Sydney
Sydney NSW 2052

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