[visionlist] [Sensors] Call for Paper for “3D Reconstruction with RGB-D Sensors” (ISSN 1424-8220, IF 3.275)

Ms. Laila Jiang / MDPI Laila.jiang at mdpi.com
Wed Dec 16 02:17:10 -04 2020

Dear colleagues,

Special Issue "3D Reconstruction with RGB-D Sensors" at Sensors journal:


Submission deadline: *15 February 2021*
Guest Editor: Dr. Andrew R. Willis

Topics include, but are not limited to the following:

     RGB-D mapping
     RGB-D 3D reconstruction
     RGB-D point cloud mapping
     multi-sensor RGB-D shape capture
     RGB-D calibration
     RGB-D data segmentation

For further details on the submission process, please see the
instructions for authors at the journal website:

To submit to the journal click here:

Sensors is covered by leading indexing services, including the Science
Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science), PubMed/MEDLINE, Scopus,
Chemical Abstracts, INSPEC, and CAB Abstracts. The latest Impact Factor
for the year 2019 is 3.275, and the five-year Impact Factor is 3.427.

Sensors is fully open access and Article Processing Charges of CHF 2000
(APC) apply to accepted papers (2200 CHF from 1 January 2021). You may
be intitled a discount if you have previously received a discount code.

Kind regards,
Sensors Editorial Office
sensors at mdpi.com

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