[visionlist] Announcing Neuromatch Academy courses for 2021!

Gunnar Blohm gunnar.blohm at gmail.com
Thu Apr 15 12:55:36 -04 2021

Dear colleagues,

We are excited to announce that Neuromatch Academy (NMA) will offer two 
courses this year:

NMA-Computational Neuroscience: July 5-23, 2021
Content: https://github.com/NeuromatchAcademy/course-content

NMA-Deep Learning: Aug 2-20, 2021
Content: https://github.com/NeuromatchAcademy/course-content-dl

Applications for interactive students and teaching assistants will be 
open April 15 to May 7th 2021. Faculty interested in being project 
mentors can use the same portal to apply.
Application Portal: https://portal.neuromatchacademy.org/

What is Neuromatch Academy?
Neuromatch Academy (NMA) launched last year as a response to the 
COVID-19 pandemic. Our aim is to provide globally-accessible, 
high-quality, TA-supported training in computational techniques related 
to neuroscience. In 2020, NMA designed and ran a fully online 3-week 
Computational Neuroscience course for 1757 students with 191 teaching 
assistants (TAs) working in virtual inverted (or flipped) classrooms and 
on small group projects. Fourteen languages, active community 
management, and low cost allowed for an unprecedented level of 
inclusivity and universal accessibility.

What’s in a course?
Our courses are intensive 3-week programs involving hands-on tutorials 
developed by experts in the field. We have two tracks for students: 
interactive and observer.  Accepted interactive students are placed into 
TA-led pods (groups) using the neuromatch algorithm, which matches 
students with common interests who are in the same timezone and their 
preferred language for instruction. Interactive students receive 
personalized support as they work through hands-on tutorials and 
collaborate on course projects. Officially registered observer track 
students have full access to the materials, access to NMA course 
communications (e.g., Discord), and can choose to be matched with other 
observer track students

What does it cost?
We charge full-time students/academics a region adjusted small fee for 
the Interactive track in order to pay for TAs (fee waivers are available 
to those who need it, no questions asked). Students without an academic 
affiliation (i.e., industry applicants) are charged the full 
unsubsidized cost of the school, but can also inquire about waivers. 
Observer track participants have access to all the content at no cost, 
but are not placed in TA-led pods.

Please see the website (https://academy.neuromatch.io/) for additional 
information, pre-course resources and volunteer opportunities!

Warm Regards,
Neuromatch Academy team

Follow @neuromatch on twitter for regular updates!

Dr. Gunnar BLOHM
Neuroscience Graduate Coordinator
Professor in Computational Neuroscience
Queen's U, Kingston, ON, 18 Stuart Str, Botterell Hall Rm 229

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