[visionlist] Postdoc Position (up to 6 years) in Experimental Psychology

Christian Valuch cvaluch at uni-goettingen.de
Tue Apr 27 09:06:20 -04 2021

The Department of Experimental Psychology at the University of Göttingen 
is looking to fill a full-time postdoc position for up to 6 years, 
ideally starting August, 1st, 2021. The successful candidate will 
initially be appointed for a fixed-term of 3 years, with a possible 
extension for 3 more years upon positive evaluation. The salary is 
according to German pay grade 13 TV-L. Applicants need to have perfect 
command of German to give lectures and courses in the Bachelor and 
Master programs in Psychology.

The successful candidate studied Psychology and holds a highly qualified 
PhD in Psychology, has excellent programming skills (e.g., MATLAB, 
Python, Presentation), experience with statistical software (ideally R), 
a publication record of experimental studies on visual processing, a 
solid knowledge of the human visual system, visual cognition, 
neuroanatomy and a high interest in the research of our group. Our group 
investigates behavioral and neural mechanisms of processing unconscious 
visual stimuli to understand priming and visual masking. The successful 
candidate is expected to develop his/her own research program within 
this research area.

Please send your application with the usual documents in electronic form 
via e-mail by May 19th, 2021 to Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 
Institute for Psychology, Department of Experimental Psychology, 
Gossler-Str. 14, 37073 Göttingen, e-mail: 
uwe.mattler at psych.uni-goettingen.de.

For more information see: 

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