[visionlist] [CFP] 2nd International Workshop on Video Retrieval Methods and Their Limits at ICCV 2021, October 2021, online

Asad Anwar Butt asadanwar at gmail.com
Tue Jul 6 15:26:53 -04 2021

Call for Papers
*2nd International Workshop on Video Retrieval Methods and Their Limits*

*at ICCV 2021, 16 October 2021, online*

With the vastly increasing amount of video data being created, searching in
video is a common task in many application areas, such as media and
entertainment, surveillance or medicine. Video search is a way to address a
user’s information need, that is expressed as a query in textual or visual
form, which is often only an approximation of the required information. The
proposed workshop is calling for contributions in content-based video
search using different types of queries. Contributions may focus on search
and retrieval methods, evaluation and benchmarking approaches for video
retrieval, and technologies to understand how retrieval systems meet or
fail to address the information needs, such as explainability of components
of the retrieval system, active learning, etc. This workshop also addresses
a specific application area of the emerging topic of fairness and
explainability of AI, in particular related to image/video analysis

Two possible types of queries may be:

- Natural language queries describing objects, actions, events, etc.
Systems need to be able to understand these textual queries and retrieve
videos within a database that satisfy these queries.

- Image/video queries can be used to find videos that contain similar
scenes to the given image/video.

In this context, contributions related (but not limited) to the following
topics are invited.

- Comparative analysis of performance of search systems on different

- Fusion of computer vision, text/language processing and audio analysis
for video search

- Evaluation protocols and metrics for assessing the impact of specific
components of retrieval systems

- Failure analysis of vision-based components in video search and retrieval

- Failure analysis of query types, dataset characteristics, metrics, and
system architectures

- Integrating user interaction in search systems and their impact on

- Approaches for measuring and predicting hardness/complexity of queries in
a system-independent way

Interested authors are invited to apply their approaches and methods on
datasets prepared by the workshop organizers, or on any available external
datasets (there is no competition component to the workshop).

The datasets prepared by the workshop organizers include:

1. Internet archives collection (IACC.3), which contains 600 hours of
video, 90 ad-hoc queries and available ground truth.

2. BBC Eastenders dataset contains episodes of the weekly show over a
period of 5 years. This amounts to 464 hours of video, and has available
230 instance search queries (visual examples of needed results) and the
ground truth.

3. The new V3C1 Vimeo internet collection contains 1000 hours of video and
is being used at the annual TRECVID international content-based video
retrieval evaluation benchmark and the video browser showdown beginning in
2019. This dataset includes 50 textual queries and the ground truth.

Failure analysis of system performance is highly encouraged and will be
given high priority with the goal to identify which methods work and which
don’t, and why. Examples of such failure modes include, but are not limited
to: easy vs hard queries, dataset characteristics, training data
characteristics and its effect on solving easy/hard queries, behaviour of
machine-learning based components, system architecture (e.g NN depth and


We invite papers of up to 4 pages length (excluding references, but
including figures), formatted according to the ICCV template (
http://iccv2019.thecvf.com/files/iccv2019AuthorKit.zip). Submissions shall
be single blind, i.e. do not need to be anonymized. The workshop
proceedings will be archived in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library and the CVF
Open Access.

By submitting a manuscript to ICCV, authors acknowledge that it has not
been previously published or accepted for publication in substantially
similar form in any peer-reviewed venue including journal, conference or
workshop. Furthermore, no publication substantially similar in content has
been or will be submitted to this or another conference, workshop, or
journal during the review period. A publication, for the purposes of this
policy, is defined to be a written work longer than four pages (excluding
references) that was submitted for review by peers for either acceptance or
rejection, and, after review, was accepted. In particular, this definition
of publication does not depend upon whether such an accepted written work
appears in a formal proceedings or whether the organizers declare that such
work “counts as a publication”.

All submissions will be handled electronically via EasyChair:

*Important Dates*

Workshop paper submission : July 27, 2021

Notification to authors : August 10, 2021

Workshop camera-ready  : August 17, 2021

Workshop date: October 16, 2021 (*during ICCV*)

The workshop organizers
(TRECVID + Video Browser Showdown)
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