[visionlist] Two positions available in the Sensorimotor Control and Learning Lab at the TU Darmstadt

van Dam, Loes loes.van_dam at tu-darmstadt.de
Tue Nov 9 11:51:31 -04 2021

The Sensorimotor Control and Learning lab at the Technical University of Darmstadt, lead by Prof Loes van Dam, is inviting applications for two job openings:

  *   a highly motivated student with a deep interest in multisensory perception and/or sensorimotor control to pursue a doctoral degree. https://www.tu-darmstadt.de/universitaet/karriere_an_der_tu/stellenangebote/aktuelle_stellenangebote/stellenausschreibungen_detailansichten_1_432896.en.jsp
  *   a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher with research and programming experience in the areas of multisensory perception and action and/or sensorimotor control. https://www.tu-darmstadt.de/universitaet/karriere_an_der_tu/stellenangebote/aktuelle_stellenangebote/stellenausschreibungen_detailansichten_1_433024.en.jsp

Research in the lab focuses on multisensory perception and action and investigates how humans combine information from across the senses, such as vision and haptics, to both plan and execute goal-oriented movements including reaching, grasping and tracking. An additional interest is how the interplay between perception and action affect the feelings of agency and body ownership and vice versa. This means there is a range of possible research topics to work on and within the framework of the lab the exact research topic for these positions is negotiable.

Methods used in the lab include: psychophysics, motion tracking in real and virtual environments and computational modelling.

More information about the research conducted in the lab can be found on Google Scholar (https://scholar.google.de/citations?user=6faapLQAAAAJ&hl=en). A more specific website for the lab is currently in development.

These positions are funded by the state of Hessen and include a teaching expectation of 3 (PhD-student) and 4 (Postdoc) contact hours per week per semester ( "Semesterwochenstunden"). Some of this teaching will be conducted in German.

The application deadline is November 28, 2021. Application materials are welcome in either German or English. Informal enquiries can be directed to Prof. Loes van Dam (loes.van_dam at tu-darmstadt.de).

Best regards,
Loes van Dam

Prof. Loes van Dam PhD (she/her)

Sensorimotor Control and Learning
Institut für Psychologie & Centre for Cognitive Science
Technische Universität Darmstadt

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