[visionlist] The 7th CiNet Conference: New horizons in brain mapping (Feb 1st ~ Feb 3rd; online conference)

Hiromasa TAKEMURA htakemur at nips.ac.jp
Sat Dec 4 00:30:49 -04 2021

Dear all,

I would like to inform you that we will organize an online conference, "*The
7th CiNet Conference: New horizons in brain mapping*" on February 1st -
3rd, 2022 (in Japan Standard time). This is the conference organized by
Center for Information and Neural Networks (CiNet) and co-organized by the
National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Japan.

We now call for registration and abstract submission for virtual poster
sessions. There is no registration fee but registration is necessary to
attend this meeting. The registration will be closed if the number of
registration reach the capacity (300 people).

Since some of the talks are strongly related to the visual system, I
believe that the conference will be of great interest to the vision
community. Please note that the conference will be organized in Japan
standard time.

For details, please check a following URL:

For registration, please fill out a following form:

Sincerely yours,
Hiromasa Takemura


*The 7th CiNet Conference: New horizons in brain mapping *
Date: February 1 – 3, 2022 (Online Conference)

Organizer: Center for Information and Neural Networks (CiNet), National
Institute for Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
Co-organizer: National Institute for Physiological Sciences, NINS

Meeting Chair: Hiromasa Takemura
Meeting Director: Kazuhiro Oiwa, NICT CiNet

        • Yaniv Assaf (Tel Aviv Univ., Israel)
        • Holly Bridge (Univ. Oxford, UK)
        • Farran Briggs (Univ. Rochester, USA)
        • Satomi Chiken (National Institute for Physiological Sciences,
        • Sarah Helibroner (Univ. Minnesota, USA)
        • Tadashi Isa (Kyoto Univ., Japan)
        • Catherine Lebel (Univ. Calgary, Canada)
        • David Leopold (National Institutes of Health, USA)
        • Takafumi Minamimoto (QST, Japan)
        • Shinji Nishimoto (Osaka Univ./NICT CiNet, Japan)
        • Nicola Palomero-Gallagher (Jülich Research Centre, Germany)
        • Nina Patzke (HMU Potsdam, Germany)
        • Marcello Rosa (Monash Univ., Australia)
        • Hiromasa Takemura (NICT CiNet/National Institute for
Physiological Sciences, Japan)
        • Chantal Tax (UMC Utrecht, Netherland)
        • Wim Vanduffel (KU Leuven, Belgium)
        • Nikolaus Weiskopf (Max Planck Institute, Germany)
        • Jonathan Winawer (New York Univ., USA)

Conference webpage: https://cinet.jp/english/event/20220201_0203/
Registration form: https://www.cinet.jp/form/?_gid=CiNetConf7th
Deadline for abstract submission for poster presentations: Dec 24th, 2021
Language: English
Capacity: 300

Contacting information: cinet-conf at ml.nict.go.jp

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