[visionlist] CFP: CVPR’22 ActivityNet Guest Task: ActEV SRL

Godil, Afzal A. (Fed) afzal.godil at nist.gov
Mon Mar 7 09:17:09 -04 2022

Call for Participation: CVPR’22 ActivityNet Guest Task: ActEV SRL

The ActEV Self-Reported Leaderboard (SRL) Challenge is a guest task under the CVPR’22 ActivityNet Challenge (http://activity-net.org/challenges/2022/). The Challenge is a self-reported leaderboard (take-home) evaluation; participants download a ActEV SRL testset, run their activity detection algorithms on the test set using their own hardware platforms, and then submit their system output to the evaluation server for scoring results, we will invite the top two teams to give oral presentations at the CVPR’22 ActivityNet workshop.


  *   ActEV SRL website: https://actev.nist.gov/SRL
  *   CVPR’21 ActivityNet Challenge: http://activity-net.org/challenges/2022/


NIST invites all organizations, particularly universities and corporations, to submit their system output.  The evaluation is open worldwide. Participation is free. NIST does not provide funds to participants.


March 15, 2022: CVPR'22 ActivityNet ActEV SRL Challenge Opens

May 20, 2022: Deadline for ActEV SRL results submission.

June 02, 2021: Top two teams on the ActivityNET ActEV SRL leaderboard invited to give oral presentations at the CVPR’22 ActivityNet workshop based on the results submission deadline (May 20, 2022).

June 19, 2022: CVPR’22 ActivityNet workshop


Training data is from the Multiview Extended Video with Activities (MEVA) dataset [mevadata.org]. The public MEVA dataset includes hundreds of hours of data from the same cameras at the same facility, which can be used for training. If you register for ActEV you can download the MEVA dataset for free; info on how to download the data is on the data tab https://actev.nist.gov/srl#tab_data]. Expanded annotations are now available for public MEVA KF dataset.

ActEV SRL Test Datasets: The CVPR'22 ActivityNet ActEV SRL test dataset has been released and is the same as the WACV'22 HADCV ActEV SRL test dataset.

If you have any question about the ActEV SRL challenge, please email actev-nist at nist.gov

Afzal Godil
Information Technology Laboratory
National Institute of Standards and Technology
godil at nist.gov

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