[visionlist] post-doc nonhuman primates visual neuroscience

Rufin Vogels rufin.vogels at kuleuven.be
Sat Mar 12 05:07:21 -04 2022

Postdoc position at the Dept. of Neurosciences, Biomedical Sciences, KU Leuven, Belgium.
The position  is part of an ERC-Synergy grant RELEVANCE jointly awarded to  profs. de Gelder (Maastricht), Giese (Tübingen), Vogels (KU Leuven)
The project RELEVANCE aims to understand how the brain evolved special structures to process highly relevant social stimuli like bodies and to reveal how social vision sustains adaptive behavior. The project will develop a mechanistic and computational understanding of the visual processing of bodies and interactions through integrating advanced methods from multiple disciplines: psychophysics, Ecog and high-field functional imaging in combination with computer animation, virtual reality and neural stimulation in humans; single unit electrophysiology with  causal techniques in monkeys, and development of biologically-Informed deep neural network models that unify the data.
The postdoc will be integrated in the research that takes place at the Division of Neurophysiology of the Department of Neurosciences, at KU Leuven, with access to a 3T MRI scanner for large animals, set-ups for single unit recordings and neural perturbation in behaving nonhuman primates, with a state-of-the-art monkey housing facility.
The primary responsibilities will be: 1) to actively participate in the experimental design of recording experiments, and acquisition and analysis of single unit data in fMRI-defined cortical patches of rhesus monkeys, 2) collaborate with the other partners of the research program and 3) writing and publishing of articles.
Requirements: candidates should have a strong theoretical interest in the area of visual neuroscience and experience with scientific programming (Matlab, Python or any other language). Experience with nonhuman primates is a plus.
Additional information
Laboratorium voor Neuro- en Psychofysiologie, Dpt of Neurosciences, Biomedical Sciences, KU Leuven, Belgium & Leuven Brain Institute, KU Leuven, Belgium
Email: Rufin.Vogels at kuleuven.be<mailto:Rufin.Vogels at kuleuven.be>.

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