[visionlist] strange solicitations

John Pezaris jpezaris at gmail.com
Wed May 11 06:54:10 -04 2022

Oh, yes.  I get these multiple times on a daily basis.  I've assumed
that they are scraping communicating email addresses from open access
publications, since they always correctly reference a publication of
mine, despite, as you've pointed out, not appearing to make any
attempt to verify the relevance to their journal or event.

- J.

On 5/9/22, Todd, James <todd.44 at osu.edu> wrote:
> Dear colleagues.
> I have recently been inundated with strange requests to submit articles to
> journals on topics that have no possible connection to my research, or to
> present invited papers at technical conferences in fields that are unrelated
> to mine.  I have included a single example below. Have any of you received
> similar solicitations? It seems pretty obvious this is part of a scam, but I
> am curious about the motivation for it. Do they expect to make money off of
> page charges?
> Jim Todd
> Dear Dr. James T Todd,
> Greetings from Scientific Archives!
> It gives us immense pleasure to invite you to write a review on your
> research interest “The many facets of shape.” for consideration and
> publication in forthcoming issue to be published in
> Journal of Clinical
> Haematology<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://mail.scientificarchive.org/lists/lt.php?tid=KRpQVVcBUQAABRlTBlIGFVJTAVEaCAYHVx5VBVQCClUCVFFVBAdJVw4HUFQFUgQVUQMOURoEAVVRHlkDVVYeAVYDBgJQAVRQWQAHTVBTUA9fAAFUGgIDUVYeVQYCAh4HB1BVGVQEBFcKBg1VAgJVWw__;!!KGKeukY!3pLuKsZB0L3sI8gjvZJhweQNq6qN8qcmXJD8dOFl7ReQowZCrWkVfxfKrsBjiYyNNeX_z4giz7CjY1BVulXPqzViPIlPk8s$>
> Basic Guidelines for Review article:
>   *   Review article should contain abstract (maximum of 300 words) and 5-7
> keywords.
>   *   There is no limit for number of words, images, and tables. However, in
> case of mini review, it should not exceed 3000 words.
>   *   You have the freedom to restate the issues discussed but do not
> summarize the focal articles exactly in the same way.
> Note: We are also considering original research, reviews, case studies,
> commentaries, letters
> Authors may submit their manuscripts online at
> https://www.scientificarchives.com/submit<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.scientificarchives.com/submit__;!!KGKeukY!3pLuKsZB0L3sI8gjvZJhweQNq6qN8qcmXJD8dOFl7ReQowZCrWkVfxfKrsBjiYyNNeX_z4giz7CjY1BVulXPqzVizshQUz8$>
> or directly as an email attachment to this email.
> The deadline for submission of manuscript is July 10, 2022.
> Kindly, let me know as soon as possible if you are interested in submitting
> a manuscript for our journal issue. It is an opportunity to take part in and
> to influence future trends in one of the fastest growing fields of
> research.
> We will be looking forward to hearing a positive response from you soon.
> Have a great & Healthy day ahead!!

John Pezaris, Ph.D.
jpezaris at gmail.com

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