[visionlist] Multiple postdoctoral positions available at Columbia University

Qi Wang qi.wang at columbia.edu
Wed May 18 12:18:35 -04 2022

Apologies for cross-postings

The Laboratory for Neural Engineering and Control at Columbia University 
(http://neclab.bme.columbia.edu/) is inviting applications for multiple 
postdoctoral positions in several NIH/DOD funded projects to investigate 
neuromodulation of perception and cognition in the healthy and diseased 

The ideal candidate should have a robust theoretical and practical 
knowledge of recording techniques (calcium imaging and/or 
electrophysiology), advanced genetic tagging and manipulation methods, 
and quantitative skills. The project will entail building the necessary 
tools required to investigate and control neural circuit dynamics in 
awake, behaving mice. This work will specifically focus on understanding 
the impact of network dynamics on neural coding in different brain 
structures and how real-time control of multiple neuromodulatory systems 
can be implemented to optimize neural code. Additionally, candidates 
should have excellent communication skills and value working closely 
with graduate students and mentoring fellow lab members. The ability to 
collaborate and synthesize innovative science in a dynamic team 
environment is required.

Broadly, the Laboratory for Neural Engineering and Control, directed by 
Dr. Qi Wang, is interested in developing novel brain-machine-interface 
technology to understand, restore, and enhance brain function through a 
blend of traditional neuroscience techniques and novel brain stimulation 
methods. The lab currently has ongoing research projects that range from 
investigating the role of multiple neurotransmitter systems on sensory 
processing to alleviating pathological conditions and optimizing 
decision making via neural stimulation. The lab has a dedicated two 
photon microscope, many shared resources in the biomedical engineering 
department, and access to a variety of state-of-the-art neuroscience 
facilities at the Zuckerman Mind Brain and Behavior Institute. Columbia 
University has a vibrant collaborative research environment with strong 
interactions between the neuroscience and engineering community.

Applicants should submit a CV, a brief description of research 
interests, and a list of three references. All application materials as 
well as any inquiries should be sent to Dr. Qi Wang at qi.wang at columbia.edu.


Qi Wang, Associate Professor
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Columbia University
ET 351, 500 W 120th Street
New York, NY 10027
Email: qi.wang at columbia.edu

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