[visionlist] MSc program in Mind, Brain & Behavior

Karl Gegenfurtner gegenfurtner at uni-giessen.de
Tue Jun 7 08:50:29 -04 2022

Dear colleagues, 

applications are open for our new MSc degree program Mind, Brain and Behavior at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen, Germany! 

Understanding human perception and behavior is one of the great challenges facing science. Fueled by recent advances in artificial intelligence, there is a growing need in numerous application areas for expertise in methods and models addressing this mystery. The program is designed to provide essential skills for a career in academia or industry in the fields of Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience or the Behavioral Sciences. Courses are covering theory and practice in these fields, with hands-on training of key empirical methods (e.g., fMRT, EEG, measurements of eye and body movements, computer graphics, virtual reality, computational modelling and machine learning). 

Faculty includes Karl Gegenfurtner, Katja Dörschner-Boyaci, Katja Fiehler, Roland W. Fleming, Gudrun Schwarzer, Daniel Kaiser  and Benjamin de Haas.

The program is in *English language, tuition-free*, and open for applications until July 15. 

Check out our website for more details: https://www.uni-giessen.de/studium/master/mbb

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to get in contact (filipp.schmidt at psychol.uni-giessen.de)! 

Best wishes,

Karl Gegenfurtner
Prof. Karl Gegenfurtner, Abteilung Allgemeine Psychologie
Justus-Liebig-Universität, Otto-Behaghel-Str. 10, 35394 Giessen
phone:  +49 641 9926100	  mailto:gegenfurtner at uni-giessen.de
fax:    +49 641 9926119	  http://www.allpsych.uni-giessen.de/karl

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