[visionlist] Postdoc at Leiceseter University, UK

Quian Quiroga, Rodrigo (Prof.) rqqg1 at leicester.ac.uk
Wed Apr 12 10:06:53 -04 2023

We are looking for a postdoc to study single cell recordings in humans, performed in epileptic patients for curative surgery.

The project will investigate concept cells (a.k.a. Jennifer Aniston neurons) – that means, neurons in the hippocampus and surrounding areas that selectively fire to specific concepts, like different pictures and the written or spoken name of a particular person (e.g. Quian Quiroga et al, Nature 2005; Quian Quiroga, Cell 2019), which are involved in declarative memory functions. For more details see:


The successful candidate will contribute to performing recordings with patients and the analysis / modelling of the data to investigate the role of these neurons in memory. The candidate should have very good quantitative skills (data processing and programing e.g. in Matlab) and a strong background or interest in neuroscience.

Informal enquiries are welcome and should be made to Prof. Rodrigo Quian Quiroga (rqqg1 at le.ac.uk).

For more details and to apply, please use this link:


The closing date for the applications is 5th May 2023.



Rodrigo Quian Quiroga
Centre for Systems Neuroscience
University of Leicester

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