[visionlist] Postdoctoral scholar in low-vision rehab

Jacob Chakareski jacobcha at njit.edu
Wed Jun 21 00:14:35 -04 2023

One postdoctoral scholar is solicited with background in the vision
sciences and training in low-vision in particular. Experience with virtual
reality and machine learning is a plus. The scholar will be part of a world
class team that includes vision scientists, engineers, and developers,
aiming to break through the present barriers of low vision rehab and make
transformative advances in addressing this societal need.

The scholar will contribute to innovative research synergizing virtual
reality, low vision rehab practices, and machine-based intelligent tutoring
towards enabling next generation automated low vision rehab that will be
affordable and broadly accessible. The recruited scholar will also
participate in IRB-approved human-subject studies evaluating the
performance of our technologies on real low-vision trainees. This project
is supported by the NIH under an R01 grant. The initial appointment will be
for one year, with the possibility for extension of another year, pending
satisfactory progress. The position includes full medical and retirements
benefits. A brief web site for the project can be found here:

Please send your CV and a letter of interest to Dr. Jacob Chakareski at
jacobcha at njit.edu. Applications will be reviewed as they are received.
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