[visionlist] Vision Scientist faculty opening at RIT's Center for Imaging Science

Gabriel Diaz gabriel.diaz at rit.edu
Tue Nov 21 11:54:10 -04 2023

Fellow vision scientists,

The <https://www.rit.edu/science/chester-f-carlson-center-imaging-science> Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science<https://www.rit.edu/science/chester-f-carlson-center-imaging-science> (CIS) at the <https://www.rit.edu/> Rochester Institute of Technology<https://www.rit.edu/> is accepting applications for an open tenure-track position in Imaging Science. Specifically, "We are seeking a vision scientist whose study of the human visual system is relevant to Imaging Science and its applications.”  Here is a link to the official description, in its entirety.<https://sjobs.brassring.com/TGnewUI/Search/home/HomeWithPreLoad?partnerid=25483&siteid=5291&PageType=JobDetails&jobid=1567572>

I have found Rochester to be a wonderful place to live, and the Center for Imaging Science to be great place to work, teach at both the graduate and undergraduate level, and to conduct research. We also have a vibrant community in vision science both at RIT and the nearby university of Rochester, which is home to the Center for Visual Science<https://www.cvs.rochester.edu/#gsc.tab=0>. CVS currently boasts membership from 40 laboratories across RIT and UR.

On a related note: for those trying to resolve a two-body problem, you may notice that there are related open positions at RIT and the nearby University of Rochester that can be found through the appropriate job search portal.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly if you have questions about this open position.

Thank you,
- gD


Gabriel J. Diaz, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Director of PerForM Labs
Rochester Institute of Technology
Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science

Office 2108, Building #76
Rochester, NY 14623
Office: (585) 475-6215
gabriel.diaz at rit.edu

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