[visionlist] Postdoc opportunity

Laura Busse busse at biologie.uni-muenchen.de
Tue Jan 2 08:35:20 -04 2024


We are looking for a postdoc to join our international team within the Division of Neuroscience at that Faculty of Biology, LMU Munich in Germany. We study the neural circuits of visual perception in awake, behaving mice, where we combine state-of the-art electrophysiological recordings using neuropixels with genetic tools for circuit mapping and manipulation. More information about the lab can be found at: https://visioncircuitslab.org

The Faculty of Biology at the LMU Munich offers an outstanding environment for a successful postdoctoral career in systems neuroscience. There are ample opportunities for collaboration with both experimentalists and computational neuroscientists, within the faculty and the wider Munich neuroscience community. LMU Munich ranks among the top 10 universities in Europe. The city of Munich, located in the south of Germany, is regularly ranked among the world’s top cities for its quality of living.

The postdoc position (initially for 3 years) is for a joint project between Laura Busse and Steffen Katzner, and part of the DFG-funded Priority Program Sensing LOOPS: cortico-subcortical interactions for adaptive sensing. In collaboration with other members of the lab, we will investigate the role of the visual sector of the thalamic reticular nucleus (visTRN) and its recruitment by cortico-thalamic feedback in shaping thalamic visual processing and behavior.

Due to the multi-faceted nature of this project, we encourage individuals from various backgrounds to apply. It is required to have prior experience in experimental techniques (e.g., electrophysiology, viral/transgenic methods, two-photon imaging or behavior studies) and in data analysis, ideally using Python. We provide comprehensive training within our laboratory on scientific and technical aspects, foster a collaborative, diverse and inclusive work environment. Furthermore, we are enthusiastic about mentoring postdoctoral researchers in their academic career.

There is some flexibility in the starting date, with a preference for the first half of 2024. Informal inquiry is welcome via email to busse at bio.lmu.de.

Applications should include a CV, a brief statement of research interests, a cover letter with the expected date of availability, and names and contact information of at least three references.

Laura Busse
LMU Munich, Faculty of Biology
+49 89 2180-74305

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