[visionlist] Call for Papers (deadline extended): In search of (re)newed paths for measuring consciousness in Journal of Cognition

Pedro R. Montoro prmontoro at psi.uned.es
Tue Apr 30 10:24:29 -05 2024

Journal of Cognition<https://journalofcognition.org/>: Special Collection - Call for papers

In search of (re)newed paths for measuring    consciousness

Guest Editors: Pedro R. Montoro (UNED, Spain), Antonio Prieto (UNED, Spain), Mikel Jimenez (Durham University, UK), Pablo Gomez (Skidmore College, USA) and José A.         Hinojosa (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)

Deadline extended: May 31st, 2024

The scientific study of consciousness is one of the last frontiers of human knowledge. One of the most relevant challenges in this field is to obtain third-person (objective) measurements of a phenomenon experienced from a first-person (subjective) perspective. Undoubtedly, there is a pressing need for reliable and valid measures of this phenomenon to test the hypotheses and predictions derived from the growing body of neuropsychological theories that attempt to explain consciousness.

In recent decades, psychologists and neuroscientists have developed (re)newed strategies to address this scientific challenge, including objective and subjective methods, quantitative or qualitative measures, frequentist or Bayesian approaches to data analysis, direct or indirect procedures, and behavioural or physiological techniques. Research has also endeavoured to explore the relationships and dissociations between all these measures, as well as the complex relationship between consciousness and other neurocognitive processes such as attention, memory or executive functions.

This Special Collection focuses on the new paths that are currently being developed to obtain reliable measures to explore both the degree of consciousness and the nature of its contents from a psychological and a neurobiological perspective. Ultimately, aiming to test experimentally the main theories of consciousness as well as improve our understanding of the links between awareness and other closely related psychological processes. This Special Collection at the Journal of Cognition welcomes contributions that present new experimental findings, meta-analyses, computational models, or innovative methodological articles that advance our understanding of consciousness on topics such as:

  1.  Objective vs subjective and direct vs indirect measures of consciousness
  2.  Metacognitive indicators of consciousness, including confidence ratings, post-decision wagering and          feeling of warmth measures.
  3.  Novel findings to identify the neural markers of awareness, including data from ERP, fMRI, MEG,TMS and encoding/decoding models of neuroimaging data.
  4.  Bayesian methods applied to consciousness research.
  5.  Comparison between online and offline procedures for measuring awareness.
  6.  New developments in the study of qualia, the qualitative contents of awareness.
  7.  Distinction between phenomenal and access consciousness, including the question of overflow and ensemble/summary perception.
  8.  Studies on emotional consciousness and self-awareness are also welcome.

All Submissions should follow the journal’s author guidelines and requirements, which can be found at


If you have any questions, you can contact the journal here - https://journalofcognition.org/contact.

Full fee waivers will be offered to those authors whose institution cannot pay, whereas authors with funding capable of covering fees will not be offered waivers. In the latter case, the usual discounts would apply for ESCoP members, recent reviewers of the JOC, and researchers at the same institution as a member of the editorial board. Any author requesting a waiver should establish their need with a letter signed by the relevant authority at their institution.



Pedro R. Montoro

Associate Professor

Department of Basic Psychology (Faculty of Psychology)


C/ Juan del Rosal, 10, despacho 1.36, 28040 Madrid

T. +34 913 98 94 77

E-mail: prmontoro at psi.uned.es

Teaching profile: https://www.uned.es/universidad/docentes/psicologia/pedro-raul-montoro-martinez.htm<https://www.uned.es/universidad/docentes/psicologia/pedro-raul-montoro-martinez.html>
Research profile: https://scholar.google.es/citations?user=a_lK1wgAAAAJ&hl=es

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