[visionlist] Special Session on Machine/Deep learning for HealthCare at IPTA2024, Rabat, Morocco

ANASS NOURI anass.nouri at uit.ac.ma
Fri May 10 05:53:20 -05 2024

Dear Colleagues,

This is a call for our Special Session entitled "Machine/Deep Learning for
Healthcare" in the 13th International Conference on Image Processing
Theory, Tools and Applications 2024 (IPTA2024) that will be held in Rabat
(14-17 October 2024).

*Submission deadline:* May 31/2024

*Publication:* All accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion in IEEE
Xplore and will be submitted for indexing by EI.

*Description of the Special Session:*

The advent of machine learning, and in particular deep learning, after the
preeminence of expert systems has revolutionized the healthcare sector.
Clinically, from the initial care, through diagnostic assistance and
surgery (reducing surgeons' time and effort by 80%), to the payment of
fees, machine learning algorithms in the healthcare field are garnering
increasing interest ($3 trillion invested in medical startups in the first
6 months of 2022 and nearly $10 trillion in 2021 [Rock Health Investment])
and are revolutionizing it. In research and development, machine learning
is becoming essential in many sectors such as drug design and realization,
understanding diseases, and particularly the cause of their manifestation,
their monitoring, and how to prevent them. The aim of this special session is
to present the forefront of machine learning applications in healthcare. It
targets professionals, researchers, and specialists who are actively
merging the paths of healthcare with machine and deep learning technology,
with a focus on refining algorithms, architectures, and their real-world
applications in the health sector. The topics covered will include, but are
not limited to: Medical imaging (2D, 3D, MRI, MRA, CTA, DSA, MicroScan,
etc.) Generalization processing and analysis for multimodal data
AI-assisted medical diagnosis Biomedical data analysis Patient action
analysis and recognition IoT for health Human-machine interactions AI
applications in health and wellness systems Personalized treatment
predictions Ethics and regulations in AI for health.

*Special Session link: *https://ipta-conference.com/ipta24/index.php/special

*Conference link :* https://ipta-conference.com/ipta24/

*Conference past editions: *https://www.ipta-conference.com/

*Leaders : *Pr. Youssef Mourichid (ymourchid at cesi.fr), Pr. Ayoub Karine (
ayoub.karine at isen-ouest.yncrea.fr), Pr. Anass Nouri (anass.nouri at uit.ac.ma)

*Submission: *Authors are invited to submit a maximum of 6 pages including
figures and references. Submission should be done via the Submission page (

Please forward this CFP to anyone you think might be interested.



*Anass Nouri - Ph.D - H.D.R*
*Professeur associé/Maître de conférences en Informatique*
*Laboratoire des Systèmes **É**lectroniques, Traitement de l'Information et
Intelligence Artificielle, Mécanique et **E*

*nergétiqueFaculté des Sciences*

*Université Ibn Tofail - Kénitra - Maroc*
*Chercheur associé au laboratoire GREYC - Université de Caen Normandie*
*https://anassnouri.github.io* <https://anassnouri.github.io/>
*[Votre sourire, une bonne action!]*
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