[visionlist] Postdoc in Face recognition assessment - Copenhagen

Randi Starrfelt randi.starrfelt at psy.ku.dk
Mon May 27 11:41:01 -04 2024

Copenhagen Neuropsychology Lab has an open 30 month postdoc position. We are seeking candidates with background in neuropsychology / assessment / face recognition / psychometrics to help us improve assessment of face recognition across the life span.
Application deadline June 26th - expected startdate October 1st.

Full call here: https://candidate.hr-manager.net/ApplicationInit.aspx?cid=1307&ProjectId=161920&DepartmentId=18990&MediaId=5

Randi Starrfelt
Cand.psych., PhD, Dr.Psych.

University of Copenhagen
Department of Psychology
O. Farimagsgade 2A
DK-1353 Copenhagen K

TEL +45 +45-35324889
DIR +45 +45-35324886
randi.starrfelt at psy.ku.dk<mailto:randi.starrfelt at psy.ku.dk>

[Logo for K?benhavns Universitet]

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