[visionlist] Summer School in Open Science + Research Software Engineering

Paul Ivanov pi at berkeley.edu
Mon Jun 3 20:00:12 -04 2024

Dear Vision Science colleagues,

I wanted to pass along this summer school opportunity that would be
suitable for graduate students, research staff, and early faculty. It is
being held in University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign July 29 - August 02,
2024 and the deadline for applications is June 6th, 2024. You will below
the full blog post
from the organizer, Madicken Munk:

Do you want your science, research, and software to be open and accessible?
> Do you use or develop software in your research? Do you have some basic
> skills and would like to build on and expand them?
> If this sounds like you, then you might be interested in the upcoming
> Summer School in Open Science and Research Software Engineering. In July
> 2024, we will be hosting a five-day workshop on open science and research
> software engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
> This workshop complements previous summer
> <https://urssi.us/blog/2024/02/29/applications-now-open-for-the-2024-urssi-summer-school-in-research-software-engineering/>
>  and winter
> <https://urssi.us/blog/2023/10/31/applications-now-open-for-the-2024-urssi-winter-school-in-research-software-engineering/> schools
> hosted by URSSI on research software engineering. At this school, students
> will hone their open science skills in addition to building their skillset
> in research software engineering. To that end, attendees must bring a
> particular software project to apply learning principles to during the
> school. Throughout the sessions, learners will collaborate with other
> school participants on their software projects and apply software
> engineering and open science best practices to make their work visible,
> citable, and accessible.
> This is aimed at early-career researchers, particularly graduate students
> and postdocs, who are familiar with basic skills such as interacting with
> the Unix shell, version control using Git, and Python programming, and
> would like to learn more about best practices for developing research
> software and leveraging their research software to practice and enhance
> their own open science. All disciplines are welcome at this school;
> including–but not limited to–practitioners in the sciences, engineering,
> humanities, social sciences, and economics.
> If you use or develop software in the course of doing research, you will
> find applicable skills in this workshop for your work.
> Target Audience
> Ideal candidates for this workshop are science practitioners who use or
> develop software in their research and want to share their software in
> their community of practice, or are contributing to other research
> projects. These practitioners want to make their research open, accessible,
> and reproducible by implementing open science best practices in addition to
> building and contributing to research software.
> To get the most benefit from this workshop, we expect students to be
> familiar with the Unix shell, Python, and git, at the level taught at a Software
> Carpentry <https://software-carpentry.org/> Workshop.
> Format and topics
> This five-day workshop will enable learners to hone their skills in
> developing sustainable research software, practicing open science in their
> workflow, and contributing to their communities of practice. Topcs covered
> will include:
>    - The Ethos of Open Science
>    - Open Tools and Resources
>    - Open Data
>    - Open Results
>    - Software design and modularity
>    - Collaborative software development via Git+GitHub
>    - Software testing in Python
>    - Code review
>    - Packaging and distributing Python software
>    - Documentation
>    - Software, Data, and Documentation Licensing
>    - Reproducibility
> The school will consist of lectures on these topics along with open
> hacking time to allow participants to practice the concepts covered in the
> lectures. To facilitate the hands-on experience, each participant must
> bring a project to work on throughout the course for applying these
> concepts.
> Logistics
>    - Dates: July 29 - August 02, 2024
>    - Location: Urbana, IL - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
>    <https://illinois.edu/>
>    - Cost: Free (supported by a grant from the NASA Transform to Open
>    Science Training
>    <https://www.nasa.gov/centers-and-facilities/marshall/nasa-boosts-open-science-through-innovative-training/>
>     call)
>    - Travel support is available for non-local participants
> Important Dates
>    - Application deadline: June 06, 2024
>    - Application: summer school application
>    <https://forms.gle/jf3dHpLszcBRD72b9>
>    - Notification: June 10, 2024

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Paul Ivanov
https://pirsquared.org | GPG/PGP key id: 0x0F3E28F7
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