[visionlist] Join us for the Annual Vision and Color Summer Data Blast (Aug 7 - Sep 4, 12:00-13:30 EDT)

Christina Schwarz c.schwarz at uni-tuebingen.de
Wed Jul 24 16:12:28 -04 2024

Dear Vision Researchers,

please join us for this year's Vision and Color Summer Data Blast. The 
event will take place every Wednesday between August 7th and September 
4th, from 12:00 to 13:30 EDT, via Zoom.

Each session will be hosted by one of our division’s five technical 
groups and feature short talks related to their area of the field. The 
sessions will include ample time for questions and discussion following 
the talks.

Please use this link for further information and to register:


If you are interested but unable to attend this live event, please 
register so you will receive the weblink of the recording when it 
becomes available.

Hope to see you there!

Christina Schwarz

on behalf of TG Vision
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