[visionlist] Faculty position Experimental / Cognitive Psych

Ahu Gökçe ahugokce at gmail.com
Mon Sep 9 09:16:31 -05 2024

Dear all,

Please see the attached job ad for a full-time faculty position in
Experimental / Cognitive Psychology at Kadir Has University in Istanbul.

All the best,
Ahu Gokce

*Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences,*

*Department of Psychology*

*Full-time Faculty Position in Experimental/Cognitive Psychology*

Department of Psychology invites applications for a full-time position. We
are looking for

candidates with research specialization in Experimental Psychology,
Cognitive Psychology

or Neuroscience with a strong potential to develop a focused and prolific
research agenda.

Preference will be given to early- and mid-career researchers (i.e., recent
doctoral graduates,

Assistant/Associate Professors). Successful candidates will be expected to
teach English

curriculum for undergraduate and graduate courses.

Kadir Has University is a highly competitive private institution at the
heart of Istanbul,

Türkiye with large enrollment in psychology. The department currently
offers an

undergraduate degree, M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in “Psychological Sciences,”
and a

professional M.A. degree (without thesis) in “Sports & Health Psychology”
(the only such

program in Turkey). The department has several active research
laboratories; see:



Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the
position is filled.

The successful candidate is expected to start as early as is convenient for
both parties.

Applications are handled in two stages. Interested applicants should first
submit a

Curriculum Vitae only. Upon review, the applicant may be invited to submit
further materials

which include (1) a cover letter, (2) a research statement, (3) three
representative scholarly

papers, (4) a teaching portfolio (including a description of teaching
interests and philosophy;

and past teaching evaluations and syllabi, if available), and (5) two
letters of

recommendation. All materials and inquiries should be sent to the faculty
search committee at psy at khas.edu.tr.
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