[visionlist] PhD position in Cognitive Computational Neuroscience (Dr Fraser Smith, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK)

Fraser Smith (PSY - Staff) Fraser.Smith at uea.ac.uk
Thu Jan 16 04:52:19 -05 2025

Dear all,

We invite applications for a fully funded PhD studentship to join Dr Fraser Smith's<https://research-portal.uea.ac.uk/en/persons/fraser-smith> group at the University of East Anglia (Norwich, England). The position is for three years and includes a collaboration with Tim Kietzmann's group at the University of Osnabruck (Germany) and with Stephanie Rossit at UEA.

Project Description: Humans can easily estimate how materials will feel to touch just from seeing them. This ability is critical for correctly manipulating and interacting with objects in our world. However, our knowledge of the brain mechanisms underlying such material perception is surprisingly limited, particularly when compared to our knowledge of object recognition. Here we propose the fusion of state-of-the-art neuroimaging and computer modelling techniques to reveal the critical brain mechanisms that underpin the perception of natural materials through vision and touch.

Details and application procedure can be found here: https://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/DLL004/phd-studentship-cognitive-computational-neuroscience-multimodal-models-of-material-perception

Closing date: 30th April 2025.

Please direct any queries to: Fraser.Smith at uea.ac.uk

Many thanks


Fraser W Smith
Associate Professor
School of Psychology
University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK

UEA webpage<https://research-portal.uea.ac.uk/en/persons/fraser-smith>
Director of Cognitive Neuroscience Masters<https://www.uea.ac.uk/course/postgraduate/msc-cognitive-neuroscience>

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