<div dir="ltr">Dear Colleagues,<br><br>The goals of this special issue are to summarize
the state-of-the-art in both the computerized analysis of skin lesion
images, as well as image acquisition technologies, providing future
directions for this exciting subfield of medical image analysis. The
intended audience includes researchers and practicing clinicians, who
are increasingly using digital analytic tools.<br><br>Invasive and
in-situ malignant melanoma together comprise one of the most rapidly
increasing cancers in the world. Invasive melanoma alone has an
estimated incidence of 87,110 and of 9,730 deaths in the United States
in 2017. Early diagnosis is critical, as melanoma can be effectively
treated with simple excision if detected early.<br><br>In the past, the
primary form of diagnosis for melanoma has been unaided clinical
examination, which has limited and variable accuracy, leading to
significant challenges both in the early detection of disease and the
minimization of unnecessary biospies. In recent years, dermoscopy has
improved the diagnostic capability of trained specialists. However,
dermoscopy remains difficult to learn, and several studies have
demonstrated limits of dermoscopy when proper training is not
administered. In addition, even with sufficient training, analyses
remain highly subjective.<br><br>Newer imaging technologies such as
infrared imaging, multispectral imaging, and confocal microscopy, have
recently come to the forefront in providing the potential for greater
diagnostic accuracy. In addition, various research studies have been
focused on developing algorithms for the automated analysis of skin
lesion images. Combinations of such technologies have the potential to
serve as adjuncts to physicians, improving clinical management,
especially for patients with a high degree of lesion burden.<br><br>This special issue aims to cover all aspects of skin lesion image analysis. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:<br><br>- Novel and emerging imaging technologies<br>- Image enhancement<br>- Image registration<br>- Image segmentation<br>- Feature extraction<br>- Image classification<br>- Hardware systems<br><br>We are particularly interested in studies that make their data sets and software publicly available.<br><br>Please
note that new submissions are required to be at least 70% different
from any other publications. For detailed manuscript
preparation/submission instructions, please visit <a href="https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__access.lsus.edu_owa_redir.aspx-3FSURL-3Dt2evkfs6KVIHI86xj8H26ou5ZMd8wu6tHNtW9rTy0-2DFTWFI7bNvUCGgAdAB0AHAAOgAvAC8AagBiAGgAaQAuAGUAbQBiAHMALgBvAHIAZwAvAGYAbwByAC0AYQB1AHQAaABvAHIAcwAvAHAAcgBlAHAAYQByAGUALQBhAG4AZAAtAHMAdQBiAG0AaQB0AC0AeQBvAHUAcgAtAG0AYQBuAHUAcwBjAHIAaQBwAHQALwA.-26URL-3Dhttp-253a-252f-252fjbhi.embs.org-252ffor-2Dauthors-252fprepare-2Dand-2Dsubmit-2Dyour-2Dmanuscript-252f&d=DwMFaQ&c=jf_iaSHvJObTbx-siA1ZOg&r=sEKca2W8rH008KUlVT9dXgqPFHDeobPIwqQ377NMjJA&m=WA_1e43ghNA8QOzAX81z0E-t0iC5NwCA8-QOlSwoB6w&s=tRJChvcsoySr54Rbr6IQcU5B88AK-AMNK7QKyi3RJcM&e=" target="_blank"> http://<span>jbhi</span>.embs.org/for-autho<wbr>rs/prepare-and-submit-your-man<wbr>uscript/</a><br><br>Guest Editors<br><br>M. Emre Celebi<br>University of Central Arkansas<br>ecelebi AT uca DOT edu<br><br>Noel Codella<br>IBM T. J. Watson Research Center<br>nccodell AT us DOT ibm DOT com<br><br>Allan Halpern<br>Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center<br>halperna AT mskcc DOT org<br><br>Dinggang Shen<br>University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill<br>dinggang_shen AT med DOT unc DOT edu<br><br>Important Dates<br><br>Submission of initial manuscripts: October 1, 2017<br>Initial notifications: December 1, 2017<br>Submission of revised manuscripts: February 1, 2018<br>Final notifications: March 1, 2018</div>