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<p>Dear colleagues, </p>
<p>We propose a post-doctoral position in the field of remote sensing and machine learning. The research project will focus on <strong><span class="breadcrumbs-current">Change Detection and Semantic Classification for Multimodal SAR / Optical Data Time Series</span></strong><span class="breadcrumbs-current">. Objectives are to develop methods for fast and massive change detection, able to lead to the creation of multimodal learning datasets, and to design neural networks fo change detection and semantic classification in this context.<br /> </span></p>
<p><span class="breadcrumbs-current">Information abouut the project and the application procedure can be found here: https://w3.onera.fr/formationparlarecherche/sites/w3.onera.fr.formationparlarecherche/files/pdoc-dtis-2019-01_0.pdf</span></p>
<p><span class="breadcrumbs-current">This is a fully-funded 18-21 month position. It will be held between CnamParistech (Michel Crucianu, Mihai Datcu) and ONERA (Èlise Koeniguer, Bertrand Le Saux), in Paris, France.<br /> </span></p>
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<p><span class="breadcrumbs-current">-- <br /> </span></p>
<p><span class="breadcrumbs-current">Bertrand Le Saux</span></p>
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