<html><head></head><body><div class="yahoo-style-wrap" style="font-family:Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:16px;"><div dir="ltr" data-setdir="false"><div>Call for papers: Special issue on “Biometrics at a distance in the Deep Learning era”<br>
<a href="https://signalprocessingsociety.org/blog/ieee-jstsp-special-issue-biometrics-distance-deep-learning-era" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://signalprocessingsociety.org/blog/ieee-jstsp-special-issue-biometrics-distance-deep-learning-era</a><br>
Biometrics at a distance (e.g., gait recognition, person
re-identification, etc.) is a particular case of biometric analysis that
usually does not require the conscious participation of the target
subject, being non-invasive at the same time. However, the sample
acquisition is almost always affected by adverse conditions, e.g., the
lack of details due to the distance itself, so that the robustness to
distortions of adopted biometric methods is of paramount importance.
This is a well-established topic in the field of information forensics
and security. With the arrival of the Deep Learning era, new approaches
have started to emerge in dealing with this task. However, in contrast
to other computer vision and machine learning problems, as general
image/video classification, one of the main challenges that has to be
addressed in this type of biometric problem, amongst others, is the lack
or limited amount of available annotated data sets for effectively
training deep models.<br>
The aim of this special issue is to gather and promote novel
deep-learning based approaches for addressing the task of biometrics at a
distance. Specifically, we are interested in works that propose new
methods to improve the recognition accuracy, the computational burden
and/or the scalability of the domain of application for biometrics,
being the application of the deep learning paradigm the main component.
Special attention will be paid to privacy protection and data security
in the context of biometrics. In addition, new large realistic annotated
datasets for the related tasks are welcome.<br>
The topics of interest for this special issue include, but are not limited to, the following ones:<br>
* Gait recognition with Deep Learning<br>
* Face recognition (low resolution) at a distance with Deep Learning<br>
* Person re-identification with Deep Learning<br>
* Soft biometrics at a distance with Deep Learning<br>
* Multimodal biometrics at a distance with Deep Learning<br>
* Heterogeneous and cross-modal biometrics at a distance with Deep Learning<br>
* Information fusion for biometrics with Deep Learning<br>
* Incremental learning for biometrics at a distance with Deep Learning<br>
* Semi- and weakly-supervised learning for biometrics at a distance with Deep Learning<br>
* Algorithms for effective transfer learning applied to biometrics at at distance<br>
* Multi-task learning applied to biometrics at at distance<br>
* Privacy protection and data security applied to Biometrics at a distance<br>
* Processing and enhancement of low-quality biometric data<br>
Important Dates<br>
* Submissions due 31/July/2022<br>
* First Review due 30/September/2022<br>
* Revised manuscript due 30/November/2022<br>
* Second review due 15/January/2023<br>
* Final manuscript due: 28/February/2023<br>
Guest Editors<br>
Manuel J. Marin-Jimenez (Lead GE), University of Cordoba, Spain. Email: mjmarinATuco.es<br>
Shiqi Yu, SUSTech, China. Email: yusqATsustech.edu.cn<br>
Yasushi Makihara, Osaka University, Japan. Email: makiharaATam.sanken.osaka-u.ac.jp<br>
Vishal Patel, Johns Hopkins University, USA. Email: vpatel36ATjhu.edu<br>
Maria de Marsico, Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy. Email: demarsicoATdi.uniroma1.it<br>
Maneet Singh, AI Garage-Mastercard, India. Email: maneetsATiiitd.ac.in</div><div><br></div></div></div></body></html>