[visionlist] WACV'21 Workshop on Human Activity Detection in multi-camera, Continuous, long-duration Video (HADCV'21)

Godil, Afzal A. (Fed) afzal.godil at nist.gov
Tue Sep 22 08:53:47 -04 2020

HADCV'21: Call for Papers and Participation in ActEV SDL Unknown Facility (UF) challenge

WACV HADCV'21 Workshop Website: https://actev.nist.gov/workshop/hadcv21
ActEV SDL Unknown Facility (UF) challenge: https://actev.nist.gov/sdl

The “3rd International Workshop on Human Activity Detection in multi-camera, Continuous, long-duration Video (HADCV'21)” will focus on human activity detection in multi-camera video streams. The ability to detect human activities is an important task in computer vision due to its potentially wide range of applications. This workshop aims to bring all the stakeholders (activity detection, object detection and tracking, pose estimation, machine learning, etc.) together to help advance the state-of-the-art in human activity detection technology in multi-camera video streaming environments. In this  workshop we will present the research findings of the ActEV SDL Unknown Facility (UF) challenge [22]. The UF challenge will include detection of activities which are known to the participant's system a priori as well as activities that are presented to the system at test time (surprise/ad_hoc activities) on a new sequestered dataset. In addition, we are inviting the research community to submit unpublished research papers which will be published in the IEEE Digital Library on the following topics:

-Activity detection in untrimmed video
-Activity detection, recognition, classification and prediction
-Surprise/Ad-hoc activity detection
-Multi-camera object detection and tracking in crowded scenes
-Human activity and behavior analysis in indoor/outdoor environments for public safety, security, traffic monitoring and control, etc.
-Human activity monitoring in public spaces
-Person re-identification
-Human pose estimation and gesture recognition
-Human activity understanding
-Spatio-temporal activity/object localization
-Human behavior and activity analysis
-Anomaly detection in indoor/outdoor activities
-Human-human and Human-object interaction
-Multi-camera analysis
-Evaluation criteria and metrics for Activity detection
-Benchmarking datasets and annotations
-Machine learning/deep learning methods for activity detection
-Big video datasets

As organizers of the workshop we are looking forward to contributions in these and related areas.

Important Dates:
Nov 05, 2020 : 11:00pm: Paper Submission Due* (8 page limit + reference)
*Accepted papers will be included in the Proceedings of IEEE WACV 2021 & Workshops and will be sent for inclusion into the IEEE Xplore digital library.
Nov 20, 2020 : Notification to Authors
Nov 30, 2020 : Camera Ready Papers Due
Sep 21, 2020: ActEV SDL UF Competition Starts
Nov 27, 2020: ActEV SDL UF CLU submission Deadline
Jan 05 or 09, 2021: Virtual HADCV'21 Workshop Date

If you have any question about the HADCV'21 Workshop, please email to hadcv at nist.gov

Afzal Godil
Information Technology Laboratory
National Institute of Standards and Technology
godil at nist.gov

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