[visionlist] Beall's List gone dark

John Neuhoff JNEUHOFF at wooster.edu
Thu Jan 26 08:30:52 EST 2017

Losing Beall's list is really unfortunate, particularly for new scholars. There is some talks that Cabell's International is developing a similar list based, in part, on Beall's list. See:


There is some speculation that these two events are related (though this has been denied by Cabell's). See also the efforts of Dr. Eugene Noolah, a fictional character that has gotten himself appointed to the editorial boards of several predatory journals.



John G. Neuhoff
Department of Psychology
The College of Wooster

From: visionlist <visionlist-bounces at visionscience.com> on behalf of Hans Strasburger <strasburger at uni-muenchen.de>
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2017 5:02 AM
To: cvnet; visionlist at visionscience.com
Subject: [visionlist] Beall's List gone dark

Dear fellow CVNetters and Visionlisters,

Some of you may have already noticed but I only just found out: Beall's
List of potential predatory publishers and journals has disappeared.
It's just gone. We can imagine why this has happened but in any case I
find it highly disturbing. Beall's List may not have been perfect but it
has been tremendously helpful to me over the years, to sort out all
those treacherous invitations I got, and still get, on a regular basis.


Note, though, that a snapshot of both the publishers list and journals
list are still mirrored on the web (details in that link), so it is
still time to download them (ASAP).

All the best,

Hans Strasburger<http://www.hans.strasburger.de/>
Prof. Dr. habil., Dr. rer. biol. hum., Dipl. Math., Dipl. Psych. Hans Strasburger: Universität München Inst. f. Med. Psychologie strasburger at uni-muenchen.de

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