[visionlist] [cvnet] Re: Beall's List gone dark

Carmel Levitan levitan at gmail.com
Thu Jan 26 12:41:09 EST 2017

The Nordic List at https://dbh.nsd.uib.no/publiseringskanaler/Forside.
action?request_locale=en is another white list that is a useful alternative.

On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 9:14 AM, Sebastiaan Mathot <s.mathot at cogsci.nl>

> > I'm wondering if some professional society might take up the mantle and
> continue it, somehow.
> The directory of open-access journals (http://doaj.org/) is in effect
> such a resource. Although it takes the opposite approach: listing journals
> that it considers legit, rather than blacklisting those it doesn't. I think
> that's much more constructive that Beall's list.
> On 26/01/2017 17:55, John Pezaris wrote:
>> I'd prefer to avoid personal attacks on a scientific mailing list.
>> Beall's list was an important resource.  I'm wondering if some
>> professional society might take up the mantle and continue it,
>> somehow.  The problem is that it would seem any society sufficiently
>> large enough to devote the necessary resources (and fight any
>> potential legal consequences) would have its own publication and
>> therefore an inherent conflict of interest.  Does anyone have ideas on
>> how to avoid that scenario?
>> - J.
>> On 1/26/17, Sebastiaan Mathot <s.mathot at cogsci.nl> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Let's not glorify Jeffrey Beall too much (or at all). His list was
>>> useful, but it was never healthy that such an important resource was
>>> curated by a single nutcase. To illustrate, let me quote from one his
>>> papers:
>>> /"The open-access movement is really about anti-corporatism. OA
>>> advocates want to make collective everything and eliminate private
>>> business, except for small businesses owned by the disadvantaged. They
>>> don't like the idea of profit, even though many have a large portfolio
>>> of mutual funds in their retirement accounts that invest in for-profit
>>> companies."/
>>> And so on, and so on. Is that the kind of guy we want to depend on? No
>>> thanks.
>>> And yes, he actually wrote this! In an obscure open-access journal,
>>> ironically.
>>> - http://www.triple-c.at/index.php/tripleC/article/view/525/514
>>> Michael Eisen wrote an interesting blog about this:
>>> - http://www.michaeleisen.org/blog/?p=1500
>>> Cheers,
>>> Sebastiaan
>>> On 26/01/2017 14:30, John Neuhoff wrote:
>>>> Losing Beall's list is really unfortunate, particularly for new
>>>> scholars. There is some talks that Cabell's International is
>>>> developing a similar list based, in part, on Beall's list. See:
>>>> https://www.cabells.com/about-us
>>>> There is some speculation that these two events are related (though
>>>> this has been denied by Cabell's). See also the efforts of Dr. Eugene
>>>> Noolah, a fictional character that has gotten himself appointed to the
>>>> editorial boards of several predatory journals.
>>>> https://www.facebook.com/Dr.Noolah/
>>>> -JN
>>>> ___________________________
>>>> John G. Neuhoff
>>>> Department of Psychology
>>>> The College of Wooster
>>>> http://jneuhoff.com
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> ------------
>>>> *From:* visionlist <visionlist-bounces at visionscience.com> on behalf of
>>>> Hans Strasburger <strasburger at uni-muenchen.de>
>>>> *Sent:* Thursday, January 26, 2017 5:02 AM
>>>> *To:* cvnet; visionlist at visionscience.com
>>>> *Subject:* [visionlist] Beall's List gone dark
>>>> Dear fellow CVNetters and Visionlisters,
>>>> Some of you may have already noticed but I only just found out: Beall's
>>>> List of potential predatory publishers and journals has disappeared.
>>>> It's just gone. We can imagine why this has happened but in any case I
>>>> find it highly disturbing. Beall's List may not have been perfect but it
>>>> has been tremendously helpful to me over the years, to sort out all
>>>> those treacherous invitations I got, and still get, on a regular basis.
>>>> http://retractionwatch.com/2017/01/17/bealls-list-potential-
>>>> predatory-publishers-go-dark/
>>>> Note, though, that a snapshot of both the publishers list and journals
>>>> list are still mirrored on the web (details in that link), so it is
>>>> still time to download them (ASAP).
>>>> All the best,
>>>> Hans
>>>> www.hans.strasburger.de <http://www.hans.strasburger.de>
>>>> Hans Strasburger <http://www.hans.strasburger.de/>
>>>> www.hans.strasburger.de
>>>> Prof. Dr. habil., Dr. rer. biol. hum., Dipl. Math., Dipl. Psych. Hans
>>>> Strasburger: Universität München Inst. f. Med. Psychologie
>>>> strasburger at uni-muenchen.de
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>>> Department of Experimental Psychology
>>> University of Groningen
>>> http://www.cogsci.nl/smathot
> --
> Department of Experimental Psychology
> University of Groningen
> http://www.cogsci.nl/smathot
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