[visionlist] Four PhD positions in Computer Science at the University of Bath

Christian Richardt christian at richardt.name
Fri Feb 10 11:08:03 -05 2017

The Computer Science department at the University of Bath has four PhD
vacancies in Visual Computing and Human Computer Interaction. Topic
areas include, but are not necessarily limited to:

* creating light field content from existing images and videos
* eye gaze interaction
* modelling the dynamic behaviour of clothing from video to dress virtual actors
* object recognition in photographs and in artwork.

Candidates should normally have a good first degree (equivalent to a
First Class or 2:1 Honours) or a Masters degree in computer science or
a related discipline. Candidates for Visual Computing must be strong
mathematically, those interested in HCI opportunities must be able to
develop excellent knowledge and skills in research methods and data
analysis techniques, including quantitative and qualitative methods.
Solid programming skills are essential in both cases.

The HCI group and the Visual Computing group both have excellent
reputations. The successful candidates will be expected to: publish
their work in the best journals and conferences; attend conferences
domestically and overseas; and engage with the academic community at
large. The opportunity to engage with world-class industry is also

These posts are fully funded. Three of them are open to UK and EU
applicants, the other (object recognition) is open to EU and non-EU

More information about PhDs in Computer Science at Bath is available at

Formal applications must be made through the faculty, follow links from

For further information on light fields, contact Dr Christian Richardt
(c.richardt at bath.ac.uk); on gaze interaction contact Dr Christof
Lutteroth (c.lutteroth at bath.ac.uk); for cloth modelling or
recognition, or any general question, contact Professor Peter Hall
(maspmh at bath.ac.uk).

Deadline: Individual posts will close as soon an a suitable applicant
accepts an offer. All applications will close on 21st April.

Staff websites are:
* Dr Lutteroth:
* Dr Richardt: http://www.bath.ac.uk/comp-sci/contacts/academics/christian-richardt/
* Prof Hall: http://www.bath.ac.uk/comp-sci/contacts/academics/peter_hall/

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