[visionlist] 2nd CfP: Call for Participation VOT'17 @ ICCV'17 October 28, 2017

Pflugfelder Roman Roman.Pflugfelder at ait.ac.at
Mon May 22 07:31:28 -05 2017

ICCV Visual Object Tracking Challenge Workshop, VOT2017 October 28,
2017, Venice, Italy

Half day workshop in conjunction with ICCV 2017
Web: http://www.votchallenge.net/challenges.html
Data available: May 7th 2017
Paper Submission (standard): June 16th 2017
Results Submission Deadline: June 17th 2017
Notification of Acceptance: July 11th 2017
Camera-Ready Paper Due: August 20th 2017


We are happy to announce that the 5th Visual Object Tracking Challenge
VOT2017 will be held in conjunction with ICCV2017.
We are also announcing the third VOT thermal imagery tracking
sub-challenge VOT-TIR2017. The results of the VOT2017 and VOT-TIR2017
challenges will be presented at the ICCV 2017 VOT workshop.

Novelties in the VOT2017 challenge:
1. An updated and refreshed dataset.
2. The winner will be determined on a SEQUESTERED dataset not released
to public.
3. New experiments for real-time tracking evaluation will be conducted.
4. New paper co-authorship rules aiming toward open source tracking community.
5. The legacy VOT2013 integration will not be supported any more --
Trax integration required!

Participate by:
1. Sending the results of your tracker
2. Sending a full-length paper

We are soliciting (not necessarily original) trackers to participate
in a competition on a common dataset and evaluation methodology
provided by the committee. Contributors of the trackers outperforming
the baseline will be invited to be co-author of the results paper.

The VOT committee solicits full-length papers describing:
* Original or improved trackers as well as papers giving new insights
into existing trackers or class of trackers.
* Novel ways of using and extending the VOT framework for tracker
performance analysis.

For new constraints on VOT2017 Winner, the joint paper coauthorship
and transition to new integration protocol, please visit the VOT2017
homepage. The page will be updated in the following days.

Please see the homepage for further details:
Stay informed by subscribing to the VOT mailing list:
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