[visionlist] VSS Canadian Vision Social

Doug Crawford jdc at yorku.ca
Tue May 8 15:30:30 -05 2018

As VSS 2018 approaches, I'd like to remind all Canadians (and friends of 
Canadians) to plan to attend our inaugural Canadian Vision Social. 
Details below:

(And yes, its a purely social occasion.)

      Canadian Vision Social

/Monday, May 21, 2:00 – 4:00 pm, Jasmine/Palm

Organizer: Doug Crawford, York Centre for Vision Research

This afternoon Social is open to any VSS member who is, knows, or would 
like to meet a Canadian Vision Scientist! This event will feature free 
snacks and refreshments, with a complementary beverage for the first 200 
attendees. We particularly encourage trainees and scientists who would 
like to learn about the various research and training funds available 
through York’s Vision: Science to Applications (VISTA) 
<http://vista.info.yorku.ca/> program. This event is sponsored by the 
York Centre for Vision Research and VISTA, which is funded in part by 
the Canada First Research Excellence Fund (CFREF).

Distinguished Research Professor in Neuroscience,
Canada Research Chair in Visuomotor Neuroscience,
Scientific Director, Vision: Science to Applications (VISTA) Program
York Centre for Vision Research,
Brain in Action CREATE/IRTG Program,
Canadian Action and Perception Network,
York Neuroscience Graduate Diploma Program,
Departments of Psychology, Biology, and Kinesiology & Health Sciences
ADDRESS: Room 0009 Lassonde Bldg., York University, 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M3J 1P3
WEB: http://www.yorku.ca/jdc
PHONE: 416 736-2100 x 88621
FAX:  416 736-5857

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