[visionlist] Workshop on EEG frequency tagging in Reno September 24-27 following the OSA Vision Conference
Michael A Webster
mwebster at unr.edu
Wed May 16 02:25:14 -05 2018
On September 24-27 the University of Nevada Reno will also host a 3.5-day workshop organized by Bruno Rossion on principles and applications of steady-state visual evoked potentials. The goal of the workshop is to provide an introduction and survey of the core principles and applications of SSVEPs in human sensory and cognitive processing.
The workshop is timed to immediately follow the OSA Fall Vision Meeting which will also be held at UNR from September 20-23. Details on the OSA meeting are available at the conference website: http://www.osavisionmeeting.org/2018/conf/<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.osavisionmeeting.org%2F2018%2Fconf%2F&data=01%7C01%7C%7Ce425044c810d482c4f3208d5bafd4197%7C523b4bfc0ebd4c03b2b96f6a17fd31d8%7C1&sdata=XpDYMnAF%2F%2BxUgWWsZvnA8vmLTQeFJ9n2NKFRIQcZtVk%3D&reserved=0>
Instructors for the EEG workshop include:
Bruno Rossion (Université de Lorraine)
Anthony Norcia (Stanford)
Ramesh Srinivasan (UC Irvine)
Jan Atkinson (Oxford)
Oliver Braddick (Oxford)
Talia Retter (University of Nevada, Reno)
Joan Liu-Shuang (Université de Louvain)
Coralie Hemptinne (Université de Louvain)
Attendance at the workshop is limited to 60 participants, and requires an application submitted before July 30. Further details on the workshop and application instructions can be found on the workshop website: https://sites.google.com/view/eegworkshop2018/home<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fsites.google.com%2Fview%2Feegworkshop2018%2Fhome&data=01%7C01%7C%7Ce425044c810d482c4f3208d5bafd4197%7C523b4bfc0ebd4c03b2b96f6a17fd31d8%7C1&sdata=k44HPr3BJ9XeGljDgGm5PVPA95e0EkRtla1bCNkc%2Bgs%3D&reserved=0>
We look forward to seeing you in Reno for both the OSA Vision Meeting and EEG course. Those staying to the end of the course will also be able to imbibe in the fortuitously-timed Street Vibrations Festival.
Michael A. Webster, Foundation Professor
Director, Center for Integrative Neuroscience (NIH COBRE)
Co-Director, Neuroscience Major
Co-Director, Integrative Neuroscience Graduate Program
Department of Psychology / 296
University of Nevada, Reno, Reno NV 89557 USA
775-682-8691 (office), 775-682-8669 (lab)
775-784-1126 (fax), mwebster at unr.edu
lab: http://wolfweb.unr.edu/~mwebster<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http:%2F%2Fwolfweb.unr.edu%2F~mwebster&data=01%7C01%7C%7Ce425044c810d482c4f3208d5bafd4197%7C523b4bfc0ebd4c03b2b96f6a17fd31d8%7C1&sdata=3ui6Ri6g%2FVkmS5NM9GV0UKSCJT4W8kUgbO4U%2BBybAgg%3D&reserved=0>
COBRE: http://www.unr.edu/neuroscience
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